December 12

3 Podcasters Walk in a Bar – EP #40 Fueling the World: Exploring Major Oil Resources and MORE!!!…


3 Podcasters Walk in a Bar – EP #40 Fueling the World: Exploring Major Oil Resources and MORE!!!…


Highlights of the Podcast:

00:47 – President Biden and Prince and Saudi crown prince

05:51 – Biden administration

08:19 – Biden administration wants to force the replacement of these coal plants

09:46 – Biden administration is doing against Texas

12:37 – The state of Arizona is suing county commissioners courts

18:28 – Interview with Grace Stanke

20:17 – The major oil resource

25:52 – Oil and Gas Workers Association already supports open-source

32:07 – What tax can help reduce your tax burden.

37:46 – Megan Lapp to talk about The Big Wind and Whales.


With 3 unique personalities, backgrounds, and one horrible team sense of humor, it makes for fun talks around the energy markets.

David Blackmon is a Forbes author and currently writes Energy Absurdities of the Day. He has several active podcasts with ….. His industry leadership is evident, but a dry, calm way of expressing himself adds a different twist.

R.T. Trevillon is the podcast host of The Crude Truth filmed in Fort Worth Texas and runs an oil and gas E&P company. Pecos Country Operating has been in business for ….years and has a constant commitment to all of their stakeholders and is actively working in this oil and gas market.

Stu Turley is the co-podcast host of the Energy News Beat Podcast. While Stu is a legend in his own mind, [email protected]


David Blackmon LinkedIn

DB Energy Questions 

The Crude Truth with Rey Trevino

Rey Trevino LinkedIn

Energy Transition Weekly Conversation

David Blackmon LinkedIn

Irina Slav LinkedIn

Armando Cavanha LinkedIn

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If you have any questions, please reach out to us. We want to answer all questions, and if you have what it takes to be a podcast host and you want your show reach out.

Also, sponsor slots are available. There is excellent reach with the four podcasts.


DB Energy Questions 

David Blackmon LinkedIn

The Crude Truth - With The Rey Trevino

The Crude Truth with Rey Trevino

Rey Trevino LinkedIn

The Energy News Beat Podcast

Stu Turley LinkedIn

Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

3 Podcasters Walk in a Bar – EP #40 Fueling the World: Exploring Major Oil Resources and MORE!!!…


Stuart Turley [00:00:14] Hello everybody. Do you ever heard that crazy cotton pickin uncle started a family gathering with these three guys. Walk into the bar. Kind of like Eddie at a Christmas vacation. I happen to know those other two guys. My name’s Stu Turley President CEO of the sandstone group. We got us an action-packed podcast today. I’m talking to two guys. Not only are we going to cover Cop 28, we’re going to talk about the flatulence that’s going on around the world right now. There used to be a fist bump between President Biden and Prince and Saudi crown prince. That was a fist bump that went around the world. John Kerry up that this past week he did a flatulence that went around the world. So we’re going to also go to. We’re going to go to RT Treviño. He’s one of big dogs over there at Pecos operating. And I mean, RT is the podcast host of the Crude Truth podcast. Welcome, RT. You’re at a family conference in Investor conference, is that right?

Rey Treviño [00:01:26] I am. It’s it’s been a great time. And I’m down here in Fort Lauderdale in December. There are people in the ocean right now as we speak here. I mean, I’m just blown away. I’ll be in Texas right now. It’s like 40 degrees or so. I don’t know what it is. But definitely we look at people at the wall in the lakes. And but no, I’m down here at a great event called a group called the Family Office Club, and they have a giant summit every year. And they put on and bring in a bunch of investors and a bunch of the best PE people that are looking good. That happens, I guess. And but I got invited by a guy named Kyle, the gentleman that runs this. His name’s Rich Heritage Park, and I even got to meet two other rays last night that I, you know, other than my son and my dad, as we all know, we all have. I’ve never been in a room with three different guys at one time. So it’s it’s been pretty fun. I have the third. Well, I never knew my great. Well, anyway, but but anyway, I want to I definitely want to keep this podcast moving today. Let’s introduce the great ones and then I want to get back to this flatulence. Let’s go to.

Stuart Turley [00:02:36] The great one, David Blackmon. I mean, he’s on the Telegraph. He’s in the Forbes, He is on The Daily Caller. He’s on the Energy Transition podcast. He’s on the energy transition. I mean, excuse me, the energy question. I can’t keep up with this man. He is a legend in his own mind. Hey, welcome, David.

David Blackmon [00:02:58] You betcha, man. You bet. We’re going to have to cut down on John Kerry’s fiber intake, I think.

Stuart Turley [00:03:03] Oh, my goodness.

David Blackmon [00:03:04] Conference.

Stuart Turley [00:03:05] Okay.

David Blackmon [00:03:06] I’m going to. Information’s around me.

Stuart Turley [00:03:08] Oh, my goodness. He almost hit. Yes, he had a Biden moment yesterday. I am not kidding you. The video I talked about it last night with Michael and I on our podcast. We had a producer slide in That was a horrible one. We had him pull in the video clip and he’s sitting there and he’s talking about how bad carbon is. And he goes, We got us get us rid of oil and gas. They’re the worst things in the world. And I think it was it looked like Ursula from the EU, but I don’t think it was. And she went with the.

David Blackmon [00:03:45] Lady next.

Stuart Turley [00:03:46] To you about that lady about threw up. And so here he is. He’s trying to blame a dog. I swear. He just kept going and he’s looking for the dog to blame. I don’t know that he didn’t try to blame somebody, and that was disgusting. So, David, give us your take.

David Blackmon [00:04:04] Well, I think you pretty well covered that grounds, too. I’m not sure there’s much to add. I’m going to try to contain myself.

Rey Treviño [00:04:13] What is your take on the flatulence? I love what you’re doing.

David Blackmon [00:04:16] Yeah, well, that’s a gaseous emission, you know, And they’re all about getting those COP28.

Stuart Turley [00:04:22] Do you think, Kerry, you think AOC would be all upset at him?

Rey Treviño [00:04:28] Guys. I can’t believe I missed the yesterday about being here, but that hillarious. This is making national news. Oh,.

Stuart Turley [00:04:35] It is.

Rey Treviño [00:04:36] We must not be worried about anything else in the world. This is what’s making national news, huh?

David Blackmon [00:04:40] Well, I mean, if you listen to those people, we’re supposed to be worried about everything in the world. Everything’s a disaster in an emergency, and it’s a climate crisis and yadda, yadda, yadda. And so John Kerry, who is an appointed, unelected. Salaried official in the White House in a made-up job called climate envoy, at least pretended to commit the United States to this deal to shut down all what did they call it, unmitigated coal plants.

Rey Treviño [00:05:12] Yeah.

David Blackmon [00:05:13] On what? What is the word they use? I can’t even remember what it is. Coal plants that don’t have don’t have any scrubbers are curse attached to. Right. That’s. Oh, my God.

Stuart Turley [00:05:30] But they can’t get the pipelines. They need almost 7000 miles of pipelines in order to get that done, in order to get the CO2 to pump out. So how in the heck you got the regulatory agencies from the EPA over here going, No. And then you get the Biden administration over here going to shut it down. And then you get the grid managers over here going, we’re going to die. I don’t know.

David Blackmon [00:06:02] What the word I was searching for. Excuse my brain fart. There is unabated, unabated coal plants while we don’t build unabated coal plants in the United States and we haven’t built unabated coal plants in the United States for probably 30 years or more now. And so I don’t even know what this agreement is really about. What I do know is the United States doesn’t have a dog in this fight. And it’s a it’s a solution in search of a problem for us. Now, these other countries, they suppose they claim they have 59 countries signatories to this agreement. I’m not even sure the status of the agreement. It’s certainly not a treaty that would have to be ratified by the Senate. But it’s countries it’s small countries who have very few coal plants themselves. And guess who’s not a signatory to it? China and India and so on. It’s just the most meaningless thing. But it you would have thought that John Kerry had saved the world by the media coverage this meaningless thing got from from our news media.

Rey Treviño [00:07:17] You know, it’s just the biggest it’s it’s really a shame on how this is going. It’s like we’re really worried about the climate and doing better. The two most populated countries in the world should be standing on that line just along with us. And, you know, I do got a question for you guys. You know, I’ve kind of been out of it a little bit yesterday and today. What about this whole natural gas thing that’s going on where they want to ban natural gas in the United States or what? What is that I’m missing? I feel like I’m not getting the whole story.

David Blackmon [00:07:55] Well, my administration is also trying to pass regulations that would make it impossible to build new natural gas power plants and. You know, that’s I mean, the whole reason we’ve been able to cut our emissions profile in the United States to 1990 levels, I think now is because we’ve been displacing coal with natural gas and power generation and. You know, the Biden administration wants to force the replacement of these coal plants with nothing but wind and solar. Well. Coal is 20% of our electricity in the United States and its baseload. It runs 24 hours a day. It’s reliable and it’s safe and it’s cheap. Wind and solar are very expensive, unreliable, and they fail when the weather gets bad. Okay. So you have to you can’t you just this is a plan that isn’t going to work. And everybody knows it’s not going. So I just. Yeah, you’re right. I mean, that’s the big problem is the airports.

Stuart Turley [00:08:57] And RT that’s the biggest problem is they the Biden administration released out on Friday night at 3 a.m. in the morning regulatory update that is legislation through regulation and is 100%. I’ve got all of it. I have been reading it. It is abysmal and David nailed it. They’re trying to shut it down through legislation by regulation. And it is a reach beyond legislation. It is it is unbelievable what these chowder heads are doing.

David Blackmon [00:09:37] Well, you know, it’s such a difficult thing. It’s going to be hard for companies to comply with that new methane rule.

Rey Treviño [00:09:43] Well, and you know, I almost feel like this is the tack that the Biden administration is doing against Texas as we just rolled out our new legislation on making our power grid stronger by using natural gas. So, I mean, they are literally going to war against their states in an economic, economic and economic way through regulations. Isn’t that crazy?

David Blackmon [00:10:09] Yeah, but it’s, you know, it’s, it’s what this particular administration is about, you know, pitting blue states against red states. And it’s a shame. You would hope that you wouldn’t have such a divisive individual in the White House. But there we go.

Rey Treviño [00:10:27] Do you think, you know, somebody said it best the other day. Let’s talk about the five decisive individual in the White House that since 2000 we have not had a like somebody really run away with the vote. I understand Obama won both times, eight against McCain and Romney. However, it wasn’t like a landslide. We haven’t had a landslide victory since. I think well, obviously we never had one like Reagan in 8 in 84. But even George Bush, the first time he got elected, it wasn’t it was very clear that he was going to win. Do you think we can ever see something like that to you guys? In my lifetime? Maybe that not so.

Stuart Turley [00:11:11] I guess in the states that get rid of the Dominion servers and there are now, I believe, three states that are requiring IDs in this state that require IDs in the states that do not allow mail in ballots. Yes. And in the polls, Trump is now winning, I believe is the key battleground states. I believe, David, you have to fact-check me. It’s four there’s five of them that are important. And Trump is now ahead in four of the five. Now

David Blackmon [00:11:50]  I think it was six out of seven. That New York Times poll you’re talking about. Yeah, they measured seven battleground states and Trump was leading pretty significantly in five of them and and marginally ahead in a six won the only state he trailed them was Wisconsin.

Stuart Turley [00:12:07] Right. So, David, did I say anything incorrect? Which is normal for me to say things encouraging?

David Blackmon [00:12:14] No, that is not my view. I think the only way to really guarantee free and fair elections is to count all the votes by hands and require voter I.D. And and that, of course, is why the Democratic Party opposes those measures.

Rey Treviño [00:12:29] Did one state outlaw hand-counting ballots or no.

David Blackmon [00:12:36] Arizona’s. The state of Arizona is actually suing county commissioners courts who are election boards excuse me, who tried to require and counting of ballots. Now, think about that. I’m going to say that again. The state of Arizona. Democratic governor, and Democratic attorney general in Arizona is suing county election boards who moved to require the hand counting of ballots. That’s pretty incredible.

Rey Treviño [00:13:09] Guys, you know, the 2000 election in Florida. And it’s funny how here changed the game completely. And that was probably a true close. The election. I give it. But I think that changed everything right there. Now, Stu, you were going to ask me a question.

Stuart Turley [00:13:30] And.

Rey Treviño [00:13:32] You forgot

Stuart Turley [00:13:33] What did you think about Dick Durbin? Excuse me, Senator or chatter had Durbin saying that illegals should have and I’m going to use the word illegal because you’re breaking the current laws on the books by rolling across the border. And he’s warning illegals to serve in the military. And yesterday I saw, believe it or not, the videos of the Chinese men coming across. RT And David, I’ve been around my dad all my life. He is military. 30 years in the military. When a military man and everybody I know and they’re used to standing while they’re in the service at military rest. These gentlemen, any military man has a way of standing that he has been trained. He knows what the hell he’s doing. And I saw a whole in Chinese military age men standing like they were going to battle. I guarantee you, everybody has seen that film. And I’m not the only one that said it, I think I was the only first one that said it out on social. But it scares the snot out of me because we’ve had 2 million come in.

Rey Treviño [00:14:57] We’ve had a lot of people come in. You know, did we do this at a during World War One that we’re during the time of the great you know, when people were coming to America, that we were literally were coming in on one boat and we were excited about for the military and a certain amount. I have no problem with anything like that. If somebody wants to sit here, it’s served by American military. I’ll give them citizenship all day long because they are protecting our rights of freedoms. Now, to the point of these guys coming in, do okay, these guys coming in. And for our listeners out there, Stu’s just boiling over there. I’m not going to let them talk to you. We all everybody needs to read 1984 by George Orwell and the Art of War by Fin Soup and I think a book. But if you don’t think that those guys are here. Look what’s happened now with all these. I’m gonna use the word Hamas, not Palestinians. All these Hamas individuals that are doing these protests now, Air America, you have the Chinese coming in. What is the best way to go ahead and take over? You infiltrate, i.e., the Trojan horse. This is very nerve-wracking to see all those gentlemen coming in over the weekend. Absolutely. I did see that.

Stuart Turley [00:16:14] Did you notice the stance.

Rey Treviño [00:16:16] I saw while standing? I didn’t pay too too close attention to.

Stuart Turley [00:16:20] I think if you’re around military men and anybody in the military will back this up. Anyway, my opinion.

David Blackmon [00:16:29] Yeah, no, I think that’s valid. You know, I think that Senator Durbin. Probably isn’t his attention, but he’s tacitly acknowledging that about 90% of the illegal immigrants that have come across the border or the 7 million that have come across the border. That we know of since Joe Biden took office. Probably 90% of them are military age males. These aren’t families. They’re not children. They’re military age males from countries all over the world, many of which are on the terror watch list that have been allowed to stream into this country. And so he’s he’s looking at that and thinking, boy, you could build a big army with those folks. But. You know, that’s it’s a different world now than it was a world war one. Yeah. And this is, you know, we didn’t have organized terrorism sponsored by nation states in 1914 when the policy was in effect. And it was our policy then and a lot of people served bravely and honorably in the military and got their U.S. citizenship that way. And that was an honorable thing to do. I’m not sure you can necessarily do that today given the state of the world in this under this president, unfortunately. And. So, you know, whatever we’re supposed to be talking about energy, That’s that.

Rey Treviño [00:18:01] I know I know. I do want to say one of the thing, and you are absolutely right, you talked about all these people coming in, but it’s also an entire new voting bloc that’s coming in. And we’re not going.

David Blackmon [00:18:11] Thats why the borders open.

Rey Treviño [00:18:13] Yes, they’re creating a whole new voting bloc of population to be able to vote. But know that I’m right there with you, David, because I was like, what other news we have? We have cop 28. I know. I’m excited. By the time this airs, I should have an interview with Grace Stanke again. She’s at Cop 28 or so, so I’m excited. So if you have checked that one out, please do. That’s as close as I’ll get to be there. And oh, speaking of Be There guys, yours episode this past Monday of energy transition. And I can’t believe David, you let Stuart come on. But that was a great episode of Transition and it was fun. If you hear me, come back soon, okay?

Stuart Turley [00:18:59] I’m only warming that seat for Irene. I am only warming that seat for Irene.

Rey Treviño [00:19:05] Guys, you guys, look at what y’all are talking about. All that show right now with the military. Okay, let’s talk about that. The military advances that Venezuela are now doing against Guyana is huge. And so you’ve got Armando there in Brazil, right. They’re looking at everything he’s hands-on. So for all our listeners out there who haven’t listened to the energy transition, please do. What do you think about that, David, about Guyana? Possibly have to fight for the oil?

David Blackmon [00:19:33] Well, so here’s the point I made today. Yesterday, the day before we recorded this episode. But there are. Announced that his government is making formal claim to what is about 60% of the landmass of Guyana. And this is a territory that an international tribunal ruled was guy Guyanese property in 1899, 124 years ago. And to which Venezuela has no legitimate claim whatsoever. But they want that territory because it would come with a claim to part of the major oil resource that’s offshore Guyana that Exxon Mobil and Hess Corporation have been developing for the last 5 or 6 years. There’s billions of dollars at stake. Obviously, there’s the discovered reserves so far amount to about 11 billion barrels of oil. So there’s hundreds of billions of dollars involved for potential revenues. And that’s why Maduro is making this grab. If the point I made about that is the United States government is going to be very reluctant to intervene to protect the interests of two big oil companies. If this was the electric car divisions of Ford and General Motors down there who had a lot at stake, we’d already have sent in the Marines to protect Guyana. Ghana has no army. It only has 800,000 citizens. It has no real means of protecting itself from a military standpoint. And it’s shameful, frankly, that the United States has allowed this dispute to go this far. And it’s pretty much time for the Biden administration to be thinking about what to do about it.

Rey Treviño [00:21:25] I agree. I mean, you look at this is now the third major conflict on a third different continent. And if we can go back, would you go back? And if anybody is not surprised by Daniel Yergin, please read it, because one of the basis of that entire three page book is that every single world war and major conflict in history has to do with some form of a natural resource. And here we are. You have Russia invading Ukraine. There are oil fields in the area that Russia wants. There is oil on the seas of Israel. I do know that. And now we got this. And it just blows me away how our administration is not looking at the interests of these like we’re supposed to be big brother. Why are we not helping out this small country or helping out Israel and Europe?

Stuart Turley [00:22:20] You know why? And in my unprofessional opinion, I believe it’s because there’s no. Digital coin or digital investments to have it come back to the political parties such as was with Ukraine. There was a direct flow of money from the Ukraine. All of the money that got approved by the U.S. was lost, came back around and all of the coffers were filled back up into not only Democrat but Republican political figures. So Israel is important like you wouldn’t believe. But now it looks like Ukraine may fold. Now, why did which is a huge impact to energy? You take a look at the pipelines. Why was it that Zelensky and Putin were going to have a, uh, a treaty two months into this, but the Biden administration stopped it? I don’t know.

David Blackmon [00:23:38] I don’t know. It just the question. It’s just you know, that’s a very good question.

Stuart Turley [00:23:44] I mean, look at the billions, the billions that went from the U.S. taxpayer to Ukraine. And then there was an article that said that it never left the country. It was only bank accounts. This is just unbelievable.

David Blackmon [00:24:00] And this Well, I think the only conclusion you can reach about well, man, maybe I should talk about this. Look, I don’t have any use for Vladimir Putin.

Stuart Turley [00:24:11] I don’t either. I want to make that clear.

David Blackmon [00:24:14] And but I think the only conclusion you can reach about what’s happened in Ukraine. Is that NATO and the United States wanted this proxy war with Russia to try to weaken Putin as much as it could using this other country, Ukraine, as the battleground. And if that’s the motivation and it’s kind of inescapable at this point, knowing that there was already a negotiation in the works that the United States vetoed in those early weeks of the conflict. The only conclusion you can reach is that that was the motivation and that’s completely shameful. And really. When you consider the carnage that’s come to Ukraine as a result of all this, it’s pretty much a human atrocity. And I just it’s it’s a shameful thing for our country,.

Rey Treviño [00:25:15] You know. With all that being said, you know, Trump always talks about that he’d have it resolved in two to like 24 hours. Right? Well, he would have. There’s no doubt about that. So and I’m wondering if that’s it and then bring it up to Trump, where I don’t think we’ve talked about on the three podcasters, your substack article, David, talks about President Trump that he really hasn’t said anything about oil yet other than, you know, drill baby. You know, he’s saying some great.

David Blackmon [00:25:46] Saying, drill, drill, baby, drill a lot. Yeah,.

Rey Treviño [00:25:49] Yeah. He’s saying drill, baby, drill. And of course, you know, Oil and Gas Workers Association is already supported open source. So the group Change is great and he is going to do great things, I think, for them with the gas issue. But I really enjoyed your article. It’s a hey, you haven’t really said much about what you want to do to help oil and gas out there. And I.

David Blackmon [00:26:09] No, he hasn’t he hasn’t gone into great detail about energy policy In that piece. IRA was about, you know, the question was whether or not he would move to try to repeal a bunch of these subsidies that were contained in the Inflation Reduction Act legislation. And he hasn’t addressed that in any detail whatsoever, but neither have the other candidates. So, I mean, it’s not like he’s alone in that. And, you know, but the other side of that is that unless he has big congressional majorities, it doesn’t matter what he wants to do about that legislation, you’re not going to be able to repeal it. And so I just thought it was kind of a moot point. But he you know, I think in I know people who were planning to go to work for him in the new administration if he wins and it’ll be very similar to his first term, he’d go about reversing all of Biden’s executive orders and repealing a bunch of their ridiculous regulatory actions. And but from a legislative standpoint, trying to repeal what’s in the IRA. You know, I mean, my gosh, even the major oil companies are accessing that investment tax credit. So they would all be opposed to the repeal.

Rey Treviño [00:27:27] Then you talk about the other candidates. You the only one that actually, in my opinion, has experiences that are big. And he suspended his campaign. And when they did that, they did a couple of weeks ago on Fox where they asked energy questions. They didn’t even ask him if he’s the governor of North Dakota. And they don’t even ask him a question. That to me, I was very upset because it’s like, well, you’re not asking the actual expert at this point, you know,.

David Blackmon [00:27:57] Why aren’t you doing a debate? Why is the Republican Party doing a debate with moderators from MSNBC and NBC being, oh, should they be doing that?

Rey Treviño [00:28:07] We should be. Nobody should be doing it because like you’re saying, I mean, the Trumpers got to run on this. Biden’s obviously going to run for president unless something crazy happens. And it’s like they need to get everybody on a Republican ticket party behind Trump. And then Newsom’s behind. Biden. They need to get the rest of it done. It just I mean, it’s almost like just to have the lecture tomorrow, you’ll forget about it.

Stuart Turley [00:28:35] I have an unprofessional opinion. My opinion is and I’m going to go on record, you will see Biden stumble along until March. I believe it’s March when he suddenly can retire and he can say, I don’t feel any good anymore when he wakes up and has about 15 minutes of sanity. If he does say, I don’t want to run. In March, the Democrat Party ruled in rules that they can absolutely pick any one they want without having to go through any voting processes for a Democrat. So as a Democrat, I would sit back and kind of go, my vote for the primaries don’t matter.

Rey Treviño [00:29:31] And again, if that’s the case and if Democrats are okay with that, you know what? That just shows where we’re truly headed as a country. But we should have primaries. But hey, you know. Well, what do I know?

David Blackmon [00:29:43] I don’t know. I enjoy the old smoke-filled rooms. I think that’s a better system, frankly. But that’s just.

Stuart Turley [00:29:51] He does like smoke.

Rey Treviño [00:29:54] Well, I didn’t like the smoke, but I just thought it was a better way to pick a candidate.

Stuart Turley [00:29:58] Well, speaking of smoke, what about Kerry? I wonder if he’s going to. Never mind. Who’d want to fly back with him if he has his fiber content?

David Blackmon [00:30:06] He has his own jet. Nobody.

Rey Treviño [00:30:08] He has his own jet. Nobody saw him back with anybody.

Stuart Turley [00:30:10] But we thought it’s his wife. It’s his wife. It’s nice.

Rey Treviño [00:30:13] But still. Yeah, but, David, your other article was great. So we’re going to have 70,000 people meet, and they can’t do it by Zoom. This is the planet. I love that.

David Blackmon [00:30:24] Well, that would be a little unwieldy to try to do a Zoom meeting with 70,000 people in it. But, you know, I think it’s a solid point. If they want to save the save the planet by reducing, what is it, 4/100 of 1% of carbon emissions is going to save the planet. They ought to be willing to have their meetings remotely instead of flying thousands of private jets to the line.

Rey Treviño [00:30:50] You talk about 70,000 people on Zoom. If I recall during Covid, there were a ton of Zoom sponsored and powered concerts across the world.

David Blackmon [00:31:01] Sure.

Rey Treviño [00:31:02] Millions of people zoomed it so they could do it. Yeah, they could do it. Yeah, they could do it.

Stuart Turley [00:31:08] But they wouldn’t have the opportunity for graft. I mean, personal meetings and.

David Blackmon [00:31:15] And dealmaking making. What is a conference for? It’s for making deals.

Stuart Turley [00:31:21] Speaking of that. I can’t wait to do it. Yeah. I can’t wait to do nape. And I’ll tell you what, we have four booths. I just visited with Leann and Drew yesterday. We have sponsors. We still have room for more sponsors. And I guarantee you, with our four booths, we already have all a lot of gear, a lot of gear. We’re going to have live deals going on so that if you have a deal and you’re over there going, hey, is this a good deal? I got a whole team of people that are going to go back and go, Yeah, here’s the offset wills, Here’s what it is. This is a great investment. And by the way, anything investing in a lot of things. RT and you’re there at a family office are what tax can help reduce your tax burden.

Rey Treviño [00:32:12] Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I’ve never seen it. I love it. People are more about the tax write offs, so they are about like,.

Stuart Turley [00:32:22] Passive income.

Rey Treviño [00:32:22] Like. Yeah, passive. Thank you. This shows how good I get a passive guy, but it’s great. Yeah. No. And you talk about deals. I mean, they got rules here for deals, so. Yeah. No, they’re over there at cocktail making, right? And again, if those are that don’t follow David Blackmon on his Substack or on his LinkedIn or at Forbes or at Reuters, please follow. David Black.

David Blackmon [00:32:49] I don’t write Reuters.

Rey Treviño [00:32:52] Who? Oh, Daily.

David Blackmon [00:32:54] Telegraph.

Stuart Turley [00:32:55] Daily Caller.

David Blackmon [00:32:56] Rolling with us. Willow.

Rey Treviño [00:32:59] Oh, that’s right. We got blacklisted from Reuters. Blacklisted from other outlets. Yes, I could talk about it.

Stuart Turley [00:33:06] It as the three podcasters. We got blacklisted from McDonald’s. So, you know, hey.

David Blackmon [00:33:12] I’ve made too much fun of Reuters. They never never in a million years. Let me write before.

Stuart Turley [00:33:16] I call them hemorrhoids. But we’ll leave that alone. All right. Hey, with that last round RT you’ve been in rare form. It’s kind of fun. See you not sitting naked on a pump, Jack, so, you know.

Rey Treviño [00:33:32] Oh, I’ll give her two seconds. You just see, that starter dropped off to the side. She reached out to her cell. She dropped out of the railroad race.

Stuart Turley [00:33:43] I didn’t know that.

Rey Treviño [00:33:45] Yes, I saw you stagger. She dropped.

Stuart Turley [00:33:48] She fell off the pump. Jack. Huh?

David Blackmon [00:33:51] She was running. Is is what? A libertine in this time.

Rey Treviño [00:33:56] As Freedom Party? But no, she dropped it. I have not talked to her. This is just what I saw on Twitter.

Stuart Turley [00:34:00] I always liked what she was doing out there. She stirred the pot. I liked it.

Rey Treviño [00:34:05] But she’s running for district attorney now.

Stuart Turley [00:34:08] Oh,.

Rey Treviño [00:34:09] Lord. And Reeves County. And it’s a Democrat I have not talked to, but I did see that. So anyway,.

David Blackmon [00:34:15] So she’s running as a Democrat that you see.

Rey Treviño [00:34:17] As a Republican. As a Republican.

David Blackmon [00:34:19] As a Republican. Well, you know, I like her. I think she was probably a really good lawyer. I think she’s really a Democrat and she ought to just come out, admit it. But you know what?

Stuart Turley [00:34:30] I really like what she’s doing on the orphan. Well, things I think that’s a who, you know.

David Blackmon [00:34:36] Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:34:36] Yeah. Well, she’s bringing attention. She’s definitely bringing attention to things that are going on. You know, there’s a unfortunately, I don’t think it was all done in those counties by oily gas. People don’t know there’s lines out there. There’s old mine. So think of my radium and things like that, too. You know, it’s a mess out there. And just dump the gas.

David Blackmon [00:34:57] And, you know, the public service she’s done, we ought to give her credit, is to bring attention to a real problem of Orson Welles. That’s been a problem in this state for a long, long time is the industry spends a lot of money, millions and millions of dollars every year trying to police it. But this is a state where we’ve had well over a million wells drilled over the course of a century and more. And you know, those wells change ownership constantly. And it’s it’s a very difficult thing for the Railroad Commission to adequately police, but they do a good job of it. But good for her to bring attention.

Rey Treviño [00:35:37] So. I don’t know. I don’t remember what it was that you said, Stu, that maybe you were talking about right in the subject. Yeah, I. So. Yeah. No, she’s not anymore.

Stuart Turley [00:35:47] Yep. I am just glad you’re not naked out there because.

Rey Treviño [00:35:50] Yeah, that’s right. You’re making fun. Yeah.

Stuart Turley [00:35:52] Yes. I was making fun of you.

Rey Treviño [00:35:53] Yeah, No, we got some great things around the corner, and we’re in a real strong that we’re very blessed.

Stuart Turley [00:36:00] You’ve had some successful wells come in.

Rey Treviño [00:36:02] We had a good year. We can’t complain. God is good. All of it goes to him and rounded out this year. And I’m excited that in 2024 I’ve already talked to the individuals to be cohost on the 2020. We’re expanding. Yes. And so I’m just excited to even be bringing on more people than 22. We already got great people lined up for more life coaches talking about the. You know, just trying to be a better person. I had one on Chris cards. It’s really set up. So last week I’ll have one on here at the beginning of the year. Hey, it’s 2024. It’s going to be a good year. I’ve got to write that up. So it’s going to be really interesting for the. I’m proud to say I’ve now had all three of the current regulars on the show got Oh, doctor it out that was coming out here right before the end of the year. So if anybody’s out there following his substack, he’s a.

Stuart Turley [00:36:56] He’s a cool cat.

Rey Treviño [00:36:57] I’d love to hit him. And David on episode four, I think. David That would be a fun Crude Truth episode.

David Blackmon [00:37:05] That would be a blast. That’s a great human being, man. I love that guy.

Stuart Turley [00:37:08] Yeah, I’ll tell you, I’ve had only a couple interactions with him, but he is a class act. David, what’s last word for you?

Rey Treviño [00:37:17] Well, I’ve got some really fun interviews coming up. And Bradbury from the American Exploration Production Council you go Kruger from South Africa or an energy expert down there. We’re going to talk about the situation in South Africa and Robert Bryce, a man, Robert Bryce, he was one of the most brilliant energy writers working today. We’re going to be doing an episode with him here in the coming days and really looking forward to that. Oh, and I just recorded an episode, the follow up episode with Megan Lamp to talk about The Big Wind and Whales.

Rey Treviño [00:37:49] Oh, awesome, awesome. Big wind. I have to start using those words. Big wind.

Stuart Turley [00:37:55] Big wind. I’ll tell you. Big wind. Kerry did that over in Dubai. And when I got a bunch of really big ones coming around the corner, not wind, but I got some big interviews coming up. And I mean, they are just as crazy now. We have a lot of politicians lining up because of all of our reach out your reach, David. Your reach and my reach. So Nape is where deals happen, but our three podcasts are where reach happens. Reach out to us and we can get the reach out for your company. So with that,

Rey Treviño [00:38:36] That was really good.

Stuart Turley [00:38:37] Thank you. I spent almost 15 seconds ago figuring that one out. Thank you all very much for listening to the three podcasters walk into a bar. All of our contact information will be in the show notes. Thank you. And we will see you guys next week.





3 podcaster walk into a bar, David Blackmon, RT Trevino, Stu Turley

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