August 1

3 Podcasters Walk Into A Bar – Episode #1 – 3 fun industry thought leaders talking about the energy market.


Have you ever had your uncle start a joke with “There were these 3 Podcasters walk into a bar”? 

We have, and thought that we were just the 3 podcast hosts that should make this joke become a reality. We have lots of fun covering the entire energy market. Nuclear, oil, gas, wind, solar, thermal, hydro, and the geopolitical issues facing the energy crisis. No one is safe from jokes, especially us! 

RT Trevino, E&P owner, David Blackmon, Forbes Author, and Stu Turley, Well, we are not sure what he does, but all have a blast kicking energy around.

We set the bar low, so we can only go up from here.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 – Intro
03:42 – President returns from Saudi Arabia empty handed
07:42 – President going over to a foreign country begging for more oil
10:36 – Situation with Saudi Arabia
12:26 – Talks about the President doesn’t understand how middle America and entrepreneurs works
14:27 – Talks about Gas Prices
18:02- Talks about US oil in energy and natural gas
a.) Blackrocks doing right now
b.) Oil and Gas
20:08 – Talks about ESG
23:50 – Talks about Green New Deal
28:41 – Talks about Saudi Arabia may not be able to produce oil
31:54 – Talks about Saudi renewables
37:38 – Outro

Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Stuart Turley: [00:00:09] Hello, everybody. Welcome. Today we have got something that’s just really unique. This is our first podcast. Have you ever heard that story? When you always hear your favorite uncle, start with three guys walk into a bar. Well, I got three friends, but we are three podcasters that walk into a bar. [00:00:32][22.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:00:32] Welcome to the three podcasters walk into a bar podcast. My name’s Stuart Turley, president, CEO of the Sandstone Group, and my two compadres are here and ready to go. We got David Blackman first around the corner. [00:00:46][13.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:00:47] David is an all star Forbes, author and president of his own energy company. And I mean, he is not only an author. He is a brilliant, good looking guy. Thanks for stopping by. David, We’re part of the buddies here. [00:01:06][19.1]

David Blackmon: [00:01:07] Hey, thank you for having me man. This is. This is a great deal. We’re going to have a lot of fun with it I’m sure. [00:01:12][5.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:01:13] And since we have very low standards, we have our team. Our team. He is also owner of his own oil company. But, yeah, he’s a fellow podcaster, and he knows The Crude Truth. And his company is Pecos Country operating. [00:01:31][18.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:01:32] And I mean, I have learned so much from him. He and I and I want to say we are on him here for just a little bit. We’re going to be writing in the Hotter than Hell bike ride coming up. And if anybody wants to join us out there with the three podcasters, go to a bar, we’re going to have a lot of jokes. Our welcome and thank you. [00:01:53][21.6]

David Blackmon: [00:01:54] Hey, Stu, Thank you for having me. Very excited to be here. David, How are you? Yeah, great. It’s crazy talk, though, man. That’s crazy talk. [00:02:03][8.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:02:04] Oh, we’re already slapping each other around. We haven’t even got the beer going yet. [00:02:08][3.6]

Rey Trevino: [00:02:11] Oh, man, I can’t believe you got us all together. Syria. You got David here and yourself with me for a three podcasters walk you to a bar. Hey. Oh, what jokes are we going to have coming up? [00:02:24][12.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:02:24] But, you know, when we sit back and take talk about jokes, I just think of our president, and I don’t have to go very far for jokes. And, you know, I’m sorry, but I have to go ahead and I’m going to turn this over to David for his first round, because quite honestly, you’re a little bit stiff as I’m trying to coach young people. [00:02:45][20.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:02:46] I’m a mentor to a lot of folks. And David, you’re a little bit rough around the edges when you’re able to be really, really serious. I mean, and we’ve got to lighten up a little bit, man. And but you lighten yourself up because you’ve got absurdity, energy, absurdity of the day and everybody needs to follow you out there. What has been some of your best absurdities this week, David. [00:03:10][24.6]

David Blackmon: [00:03:10] Oh my goodness. Yeah, you’re right about the president, unfortunately. I mean, it’s tragic for the country, but the jokes do right themselves. You could never make this up, which I have to say about five times a week, I think, yeah, I’ll do the energy absurdity of the day on LinkedIn and Facebook and Twitter, all my social media platforms,. [00:03:30][19.9]

David Blackmon: [00:03:31] And I have a substack, you know, where I do it as well. This week’s best one, of course. Well, not this I guess worst one was the president returns from Saudi Arabia empty handed. You know, he made a special trip over to the Middle East to try to get the Saudis to produce more oil and refuse to shake the crown prince’s hand. I understand the reasons behind that. [00:03:56][25.4]

David Blackmon: [00:03:57] But, you know, there’s 70 years of protocol that every president before him has observed, regardless of the circumstances that happened to be in place at any given time. And, you know, all he did was go over there and salt the king and the crown prince, make relations between our two countries worse and come back in the head empty handed. [00:04:19][22.0]

David Blackmon: [00:04:20] And he came back to America. And he’s under pressure now to take all sorts of executive actions that the Democrats and the Congress want him to do like outlawing crude oil exports again, which would, you know. [00:04:36][17.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:04:37] Raise the Price. [00:04:37][0.5]

Rey Trevino: [00:04:39] Oh, my gosh. $300 oil prices maybe, and $10 gasoline prices if you do that. Just crazy stuff like that. And I it’s it’s it’s so disruptive. You know, we joke about it, but it’s really not funny because what this president has done from the first day he took office is destroy the predictability and the ability of companies to believe in the stability. [00:05:06][27.5]

Rey Trevino: [00:05:08] The American legal system and regulatory system. And that means companies are very reluctant to make major investments. And that means that we’re not increasing production like we ought to be in a time of high prices and yadda, yadda, yadda. So it’s I joke about it. I try to make light of it and, you know, give people a little giggle every day. But it’s increasingly hard to do it because of the tragic consequences that derive from. [00:05:37][29.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:05:38] You know, what’s even sadder about your absurdity that day is the crown prince. The fist bump from hell. That instead of the laptop from hell as a fist bump from hell. Did you see the receiving line with all the Saudi leaders? He’s going along Scooby Doo and a long fist bumping, and they’re all pointing behind him and laughing. So here he is going along Scooby Doo be do. And then he shakes the king’s hand. [00:06:07][28.5]

Rey Trevino: [00:06:07] And it shakes. The king said yes. [00:06:09][2.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:06:10] And the prince is standing here. And guess who took the picture? The crown photographer got the prince looking at Scooby Doo, shaking the king’s hand. And I mean, Steam’s coming out of there. [00:06:28][17.7]

Rey Trevino: [00:06:28] Sure, sure. As it should be. Honestly, I mean, really and truly look at it. Their perspective. [00:06:34][5.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:06:35] And even our team would not have done that. I mean, this is horrible. And I’m sitting here. And then the other thing is the guess who showed up the day after. Iran. Yeah. And he’s over there, so I ran. Published. Oh, by the way, we are insulted because Biden lied. Guess who shows up. So the most hated people. I mean, this is like people hate Artie. Nobody hates Artie. [00:07:08][32.7]

Rey Trevino: [00:07:09] I don’t. Yeah. [00:07:09][0.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:07:10] I am kidding. Go ahead, Artie. What do you think? [00:07:13][2.7]

Rey Trevino: [00:07:14] You know, again, just such embarrassment. You know again, you know, David’s absurd energy. Absurdities of the day are always great, and they’re always great for a chuckle. And so I enjoy him on a daily basis. [00:07:27][12.6]

Rey Trevino: [00:07:28] However, No this is no laughing matter. When we have a president that is going over to a foreign country begging for more oil when all he needs to do is literally sit in the same room as the major oil and gas companies here in his own country of the United States of America and actually talk and hash it out. [00:07:46][18.2]

Rey Trevino: [00:07:46] But you know what? I think that’s really the key point here right now for America as a whole is sit down together, talk and hash it out. He if I recall, you know, he was there two weeks ago, know all the majors were there two weeks ago, and he did not meet with any of them. [00:08:04][17.3]

Rey Trevino: [00:08:04] That’s another black eye on this administration. We see oil right now still over $100. So, you know, we were all correct that, hey, you know, that $95 that we saw was going to go away and we’ll see this $100 at least for the next 2 to 3 more years. Some are thinking five. [00:08:21][16.9]

Rey Trevino: [00:08:22] But no, what this president did up there and you all said it best, it’s like this is 70 years with the protocols and and and formalities. And this man did absolutely none of that. So what what would you expect for that? For them to come over here to America to treat us the same way? So just very, very embarrassing. [00:08:43][20.7]

Rey Trevino: [00:08:44] And let’s not even mention oh, wait, I will mention that no, no deal was put in place and their stories are contradicting left and right, right now. You know, President Biden says one thing. Why the crown prince says something else. So who are you going to believe? But then again, you know, the story is that this president had been telling for the last two years. I don’t think any of them have been true. [00:09:08][24.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:09:08] You know, I’ve never thought I’d see a Forbes writer of David Blackman going out and quoting Alger. Al Jazeera. I mean, Al Jazeera telling the truth more than Biden. I don’t get it. [00:09:20][12.3]

David Blackmon: [00:09:22] Well, that’s not yeah, it I don’t know that I quoted Al Jazeera, but maybe I did. I don’t know. [00:09:28][6.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:09:28] You did. [00:09:28][0.1]

David Blackmon: [00:09:31] Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I did. [00:09:34][3.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:09:34] I believe me, I was just joking. I was telling the story on myself because I did use them in an article. Okay. Okay. And they were right. [00:09:41][6.9]

David Blackmon: [00:09:42] Yeah, well, they’re right. Yeah. I mean, actually, Al Jazeera is a very respectable news organization these days. Didn’t used to be, but it is. But, you know, I think the point that we all need to understand as Americans is, is that when our leaders go to foreign countries, to other countries. [00:09:58][16.1]

David Blackmon: [00:10:00] Those countries have their own national pride. Those countries have their own traditions. Those countries have their own ways of doing things that we should respect as Americans. And too often, particularly in the Middle East, over the last half century, too often, our country has failed to do that. [00:10:22][21.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:10:23] Right. [00:10:23][0.0]

David Blackmon: [00:10:23] . And this was a weekend when this current president failed as miserably as any previous president ever has in that regard. And it really makes the situation with Saudi Arabia. The other thing we need to understand about the Saudis is they’re they’re a very important economic partner with our country, not just we’re all concerned, but we’re a lot of other aspects of our Middle East relations are concerned and security. [00:10:49][26.4]

David Blackmon: [00:10:50] And we are pushing them into the Chinese orbit and have been for the last year and a half now. And it’s you know, it’s the fault of the Biden administration. There’s no real way to argue against that reality. And it’s an intentional thing. And so this is very damaging to America’s energy security and our national security. And it’s not something that really ought to be happening now. [00:11:18][27.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:11:19] So, Artie, as we sit back, go, you know, since you’re going to run for president, you know, David Nile and like vote for you, I’m going to write in, you know, because our old buddy, you know, you sit back and think. [00:11:31][12.1]

Stuart Turley: [00:11:34] What were you doing on the last election? I think we could both. All three of us. I’ll be the energy secretary and then, David. You’d be. Because you’re so stern and serious, you’d be the secretary of energy. I mean, a defense. And then, you know. [00:11:50][15.5]

David Blackmon: [00:11:50] RC. Yeah. [00:11:50][0.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:11:51] You’re the president, baby. You know, I mean, I think you’d make a great one. [00:11:55][3.6]

Rey Trevino: [00:11:56] Oh, thank you. Thank you. I appreciate that. We got to get our good friend Ryan ready to be secretary of State if we do. Oh, yes, yes, yes. And so we got to get here with all the international presence and know that he is known for because he is international. It would be four. [00:12:12][16.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:12:13] Podcasters walk into a bar. [00:12:14][1.4]

Rey Trevino: [00:12:17] And said no one ever in a funny joke. [00:12:19][1.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:12:20] So. [00:12:20][0.0]

Rey Trevino: [00:12:23] You know, getting kind to come back to a local here to the United States. This this president also doesn’t understand how how middle America works and how entrepreneurs work here when just to last week he also was giving all the convenience store gasoline on a hard time and telling them to bring down the price of oil or gasoline excuse me, Above and it’s like you know what? Last time I checked, the markup on a gallon of gasoline for the actual person that sells it is $0.03. [00:12:57][34.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:12:58] Right. [00:12:58][0.0]

Rey Trevino: [00:12:58] On a good day not to get up on a good day. So for him to sit there and on national TV basically say that, you know, it is a federal crime, if I’m correct, to do price gouging when it comes to the oil, to gasoline. [00:13:13][14.2]

Rey Trevino: [00:13:14] So if he knows something that we don’t bring up, the charges are against that just as much as anybody else about true price gouging. But last time I checked, you know, right now the federal government taxes are more than what the what the profit in profit margin is for the small mom and pop gasoline station. [00:13:32][18.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:13:32] $0.04 a gallon doesn’t cover the insurance liability from the EPA coming in on a tank leak for those folks. So you can’t tell me they’re making any money? [00:13:44][11.4]

David Blackmon: [00:13:45] No, it doesn’t cover anything. And, you know, that’s why all these gas stations these days are actually caring about what the restrooms look like and how good their food is, because that’s that’s where they make their money is on in the sodas and the hamburgers that they make. Those are the candy bars and things like that. They want to get you into the store to make a dollar because I’m sorry, a 20 gallon tank at $0.03 at $0.60 right there. That’s not a, you know. [00:14:10][24.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:14:10] $97. David, I know you would say $97, but I mean, it was $97 when I filled up yesterday. [00:14:19][8.7]

Rey Trevino: [00:14:20] Well, still at these prices. Oh, my God, You must have been paying 120 a month ago, you know, because gas prices have dropped by $0.50 a gallon, you know. [00:14:29][9.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:14:30] And they’re taking a victory lap. Yeah. I mean, I. I saw R.T. claiming that when he was spiking his hat in the driveway. [00:14:37][6.8]

Rey Trevino: [00:14:41] So I paid I paid 399. No 379 excuse me, per gallon at the local Kroger the other day because I got a 30 cent per gallon discount, right? For buying groceries at get. [00:14:54][13.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:14:54] That senior discount I get. [00:14:55][1.4]

Rey Trevino: [00:14:56] Well after that, you know, I certainly would qualify for and I don’t like to have. And I you know, you know what? I quit going to movies when I qualified for the senior citizen movie discount. It just set me off. So I stopped going. [00:15:11][14.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:15:14] I got as good because you do cheap. [00:15:15][1.1]

Stuart Turley: [00:15:16] Well, I am that way. I haven’t been to the movies since the pandemic and all that. I have not been in a while. I know a lot of people that have. They say that Jurassic Park and Top Gun are great movies to see, but I haven’t seen them yet. So at some point I guess I’ll have to get out there. The new Elvis movie supposed to be real good too. [00:15:37][20.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:15:38] I haven’t heard about that. Shows you what kind of can I living in? [00:15:41][3.0]

Rey Trevino: [00:15:42] Of course. I guess I’m so old. I saw all that live, so I don’t need to see the movie do. Yeah. Yeah. You lived as my father would say. I live. Yeah, Yeah. Know, I don’t know about that. [00:15:51][9.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:15:51] Oh, come on, Artie. You’re not older than a biscuit. [00:15:53][2.2]

Rey Trevino: [00:15:54] Come on, now, these gas prices and like you said, that this this administration is taking a victory lap, and they’re claiming that they did this. When I want to know, show me the proof. You know, Then they ask in high school to show your work in math class. [00:16:15][20.5]

Rey Trevino: [00:16:15] All right, well, show me how you got to this, that. But you lower these gas prices and all it is is is I’ve been saying all of The Crude Truth. My podcast, whenever I’ve done some radio interviews lately, it’s like, this is about fool’s gold. The price is going to go back up and it will stay up until they get quote/unquote. [00:16:33][17.5]

Rey Trevino: [00:16:33] The Green New Deal off, off and running. And then that’s what they’re going to try to do, is make it look like the Green New Deal is affordable when it’s truly not. And that’s why they’re raising the price and that’s why he’s doing what he’s doing in this war that he waged on January 20th. I guess it’s 2020. [00:16:53][19.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:16:54] Artie, didn’t you see that thing were Mayor Pete was talking about? He wanted that price staying up there so people could drive $64,000 EVs. I think you saw that. Yeah, I don’t know. [00:17:07][12.5]

Rey Trevino: [00:17:07] You know, do any of these politicians, any of them fill up a vehicle anymore? I mean, it just blows my mind. It just totally blows my mind these days. It’s like I don’t understand what’s going on. I know I still have to fill up my pickup trucks whenever I go out to the field. And and I still see the bills for everybody else that that works for us. [00:17:27][19.3]

Rey Trevino: [00:17:27] And we know that they’ve gone up and they’re going to stay up until we have a administration that just the Senate and Congress, but an administration that is friendly to the oil and gas industry. [00:17:39][11.8]

Rey Trevino: [00:17:40] And we have at least two more years before that’s going to happen. Yep, let’s hope that happens in two years. I tell you, if it doesn’t, we’re going to. I mean, I just can’t even imagine the damage that will be done if there is a Kamala Harris or another Pete, better judge be our next president. [00:17:56][16.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:17:57] But you know what? I am bullish on the new U.S. oil folks in energy folks and natural gas folks. They are the true unsung heroes out there. And if anybody can fix this thing, they can. And just turn them loose. [00:18:15][17.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:18:15] They’re all their own field folks and all the natural gas folks. Anybody doing anything, You take the Cheniere upstream, downstream, everybody working to get low cost energy. They’re like pit bulls. Just let them go, you know, and then poof, they’re going to be like a military K-9 and get it done. That’s the way the culture is. Get it done. [00:18:36][20.8]

Rey Trevino: [00:18:38] No. I do believe that the oil and gas industry is what’s going to save America. And getting to the deal is like, you know, if we don’t elect somebody different in 2022 that understands, you know, capitalism, entrepreneurship in America. [00:18:51][13.0]

Rey Trevino: [00:18:52] Then we’re damned if we’re damned as a country as a whole. That was our choice. We saw an election again two years ago where people chose an individual over what was proof in the pudding. And the pudding was face it pretty good. Sometimes it may have had a mean tweet here or there, but, you know, but hey, you know, at least our our country was in a great place, you know. I was talking the other day about the good old fashioned Trump bull. I mean, come on, let’s talk about for a long case here. I don’t know about you two gentlemen, but I’ve got a few more years to go. And by myself looking pretty low right now. [00:19:27][35.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:19:28] But, you know, since you know David. So I cut him off again. I am so sorry, but RT invest in oil. [00:19:34][6.0]

David Blackmon: [00:19:35] Oh, absolutely. I mean, that’s what we do on a daily basis. So what BlackRock’s doing right now, right? I mean, BlackRock this week, that’s another bit of irony. Spent $700 million buying a renewable natural gas company that makes natural gas from farm waste and garbage. And, you know, so they’re investing in natural gas. [00:19:59][24.0]

David Blackmon: [00:19:59] And Larry Fink is there’s talked about wanting to to increase the company’s investments in oil and gas because it’s performing so well. So, you know, even the ESG guys are beginning to catch on that They’ve they’ve made some some real serious strategic errors here in the recent past. Oil and gas is a great place to invest right now from from the tax benefits, plus, you know, real returns. [00:20:27][28.0]

David Blackmon: [00:20:28] You know, people that invested in ESG 18 to 24 months ago aren’t still seeing any kind of return. So I don’t know who would want to invest in something where we’re not seeing any type of return to stocks. Well, but they get the signal, their virtue, and feel good about themselves. So there’s that. I’m sure they can also donate. [00:20:44][16.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:20:46] All three of us are podcasters. We love to jump around my well, I’m sitting here kind of I’m just sitting there going all worked up the BlackRock ESG and they say we’re we’re buying ESG. Can anybody explain why Google, why Apple and all of these others are rated as ESG funds? I can’t. I’m over here going. How many people out there got a cell phone? You know how much power these things take when there’s a bazillion them around as a technical term? Bazillion. You know how many are out there? They use power. [00:21:24][38.7]

David Blackmon: [00:21:25] Yeah. Oh, yeah. They heat it up. And of course, the country with the best ESG rating, almost perfect ESG rating on the face of the Earth is Sri Lanka is whose society is collapsed. [00:21:37][11.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:21:38] Oops. [00:21:38][0.0]

David Blackmon: [00:21:38] Because of their climate policies. Okay. It’s just it’s madness. I mean, it really is societal madness, what we’ve been doing related to energy and climate. [00:21:50][11.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:21:51] And there goes my retirement plan. I was planning on moving down there, you know? [00:21:55][4.6]

Rey Trevino: [00:21:59] Boy, it’s been hot, though. God Almighty, you might want to consider moving back up north. [00:22:02][3.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:22:03] So I’m not I was moving to Sri Lanka. It’s got to be coastal Sri Lanka. [00:22:08][4.5]

Rey Trevino: [00:22:08] Oh, well, I don’t know about the temperatures over there. I’m sure they’re pretty out there too. But anyway, I you know, the whole ESG thing is just the well, it’s the hot word of the day. You know, environmental, social and governance is what it stands for. [00:22:24][15.8]

Rey Trevino: [00:22:24] And it’s really almost taken over for the HSC departments and energy companies, health, health and safety equipment. And so, you know, so it’s like, hey, if you’ve got ESG, oh, okay, let me let me know. And if you don’t have it, it’s almost like got a black mark against you, but it’s like, no, no, we’re safe. [00:22:43][18.9]

Rey Trevino: [00:22:44] You know, we’re environmentally friendly. It’s like the codes that we have to jump through. Even before President Biden came through to drill a well are strenuous and rightfully so. It’s like, you know, I do believe that this is Mother Earth and it gives us the oil that we need to provide. [00:22:59][15.2]

Rey Trevino: [00:23:00] And and I do think that natural gas is going to become even bigger as we move forward. Just, you know, the science is clear that it burns a lot cleaner than a lot of other stuff out there. And so it has just as much power as oil. So natural gas is going to be very important in the future. And in fact, it was Europe that just recognized natural gas as a renewable energy sector. [00:23:21][20.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:23:21] Yep. And nuclear. [00:23:23][1.2]

Rey Trevino: [00:23:24] Energy. That’s right. [00:23:25][0.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:23:25] Both of them. Okay. Since you’re going to be the president, you’re going to I’m going to write you in, you know, and then, you know, so I’m going to write you. And since you’re going to be the president, let’s say that you’re pretending to be president and you actually remember what you’re doing today. [00:23:37][12.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:23:39] And so if you did and you were going to write in a memo or a edict today that we’re now going to have the Green New Deal and he’s going to come out and ban everything, what would happen if you did an executive order killing everything and making everybody go green like he’s talking about doing tomorrow? [00:24:04][25.0]

Rey Trevino: [00:24:06] Oh, David, you want to go first? [00:24:07][1.4]

David Blackmon: [00:24:08] But we based a real outcome. I mean, within months it took about six months for Sri Lanka’s green policies to collapse their entire economy. So, I mean, that would have happened anywhere. It’s going to happen in the Netherlands next, because they’re making exactly the same policy decisions with their farming sector. [00:24:29][20.8]

David Blackmon: [00:24:30] And you know, I mean it’s a recipe for economic disaster. And that creates an environmental disaster, folks. You know and then you talk about, you know, wanting to be concerned about the environment. You have to be able to to create and use energy, big amounts of energy in order to protect and conserve the environment. And when you destroy your energy sector, it creates an environmental catastrophe and we’re starting to see that. [00:25:01][31.3]

David Blackmon: [00:25:01] We’re going to see that in a lot of other countries over the next couple of years, unfortunately. Oh, boy, I’m a downer. No, no, no. People don’t understand that. Hey. Oil and gas is green and it’s friendly to the environment. Why? Because we don’t use wood to burn for to cook with anymore. We don’t use wood the heat our homes with anymore. [00:25:22][20.9]

David Blackmon: [00:25:23] So that gives more natural that gives more force in the world. And, you know, all the great things that we know where that are lightweight, durable. They come from oil and gas products and well, let’s not forget that here we are all looking into some form of a computer right now. And these all came from an oil and gas product. So. Yeah. No, if we’re not careful, we will see the same things. And we’ll also see, you know, we’ll be back and horse and buggy. Real quick, if this Green New Deal were to go down far. [00:25:57][33.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:25:59] So if you were president, you wouldn’t be signing it? [00:26:02][2.9]

Rey Trevino: [00:26:03] No, absolutely not. I’d probably be doing two for one on tax credits for investing in oil and gas investments until we could get some production back up here in America. What I would do. [00:26:15][12.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:26:16] Yeah, I would be handcuffed. Oh. [00:26:19][3.6]

David Blackmon: [00:26:23] Like AOC was handcuffed the other day. Yeah. Oh, that’s right. Fake handcuffs. Yeah. [00:26:29][6.1]

Stuart Turley: [00:26:30] Yeah. Sorry. [00:26:30][0.5]

Rey Trevino: [00:26:31] Sorry. There I go. Talking politics again. I can’t separate energy from politics. [00:26:35][4.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:26:36] It’s not possible, but. Well, Artie, when you sit back and you know our drilling costs have doubled. You’ve mentioned that before, and I have to give a shout out to you. Thank you for having me on your podcast. That was absolutely one of the most fun podcast I’ve been on. And you did a great job. [00:26:53][16.7]

Rey Trevino: [00:26:53] Oh, thank you. Thank you. You know, it’s it’s kind of funny right now, technically, you know, David was all about first and then you’ve been on my most recent. So I was like last, you know, I said, Most recent. Yeah. [00:27:05][11.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:27:07] You’ve been banned from the Internet. [00:27:08][1.4]

Rey Trevino: [00:27:09] No. Yeah. No, it’s it’s been great doing that podcast and know it was a blast and I hope people really enjoyed our episode. A lot of knowledge once again was really shared, just like with David and, and that’s, that’s what we need to be doing. And I think if David better said this the past that on my end, you know, I am an exploration and production company and we do have an operating company and it is my responsibility to get the word out there that we are safe and that we are reliable and that we are respecting Mother Earth. You know, that is one thing that the only gas sector has not done a very good job of is get the public knowledge that we’ve done real well I mean you figure, you know, oil spills are just as nonexistent as, you know, knock on wood airplanes for airplane crashes, and yet everybody still loves airplanes. [00:28:01][52.1]

Rey Trevino: [00:28:02] So we really need to kind of continue to say, hey, everybody needs to love oil and gas until we do find that next alternative energy source. And it’s going to come, but it ain’t going to it will not come today. And even if it did come today, it’s going to take a minimal 30 years to transform everything into that. It’s not an overnight transition, like the president said a couple of months back where we’re this incredible transition right now. No, I don’t think anybody wants to be feeling that transition right now. I can tell you that. [00:28:33][31.1]

Stuart Turley: [00:28:34] No. [00:28:34][0.0]

David Blackmon: [00:28:36] Well, think about it. I mean, if we were actually transitioning to anything, why would we be having an energy crisis that is a result of of a completely undersupplied global oil market? We have an undersupplied market not because we can’t produce oil, it’s because demand for oil continues to rise. So what are we transitioning? Demand for natural gas is exploding. Well, absolutely. [00:29:03][27.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:29:04] I all three of us are not just jumping over each other and talking all the time. [00:29:07][3.3]

Rey Trevino: [00:29:08] I’m sorry. I’m sorry. [00:29:08][0.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:29:09] No, no, I’m just saying we’re pretty calm and collected here wait till we get in the bar. When I’m sitting here today, I noticed that right after the day after I’m going back to that one topic because we’re sitting here and the, you know, Biden kind of messed up by not fist bumping and having all those kind of things. But did you see the article that now Saudi Arabia is saying that they are producing, they may not be able to even produce anymore? Have you guys heard that? [00:29:44][35.3]

David Blackmon: [00:29:46] What do you mean, produce more than they’re already producing? [00:29:48][2.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:29:49] They may be maxed out. [00:29:50][0.9]

David Blackmon: [00:29:50] Right. There was a Bloomberg analysis of that as well by signature said a good analysis of that. Josh Young, our you know, our friend on Twitter. Right. Who is bias and interest, did a tremendous report on that really over a month ago. [00:30:06][15.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:30:07] Right. But another one came out just today and said they’re toast. [00:30:10][2.8]

David Blackmon: [00:30:11] Yeah. I mean, they’re pumping it like 10.7 million barrels a day and they’re pretty much maxed out. And, you know, now. But but we have to understand that the kingdom can activate more drilling rigs and over time increase their ability to flow more oil. But it will take years, it won’t. It’s not going to happen next week. And I think that’s the complete lack of understanding this administration had when they decided to send the president over there to insult the crown prince and ask for more oil, is they seem to think they actually seem to believe that all the Saudis had to do was flip a switch and a bunch more oil is going to come out of those wells because there’s nobody in this administration who has any real understanding of how the business works. And that’s an intentional thing. [00:31:06][54.8]

David Blackmon: [00:31:06] That’s absolutely a ban that this president put on hiring people into this administration. There are no appointees by Joe Biden who have any connection whatsoever with the oil and gas industry. And so you end up with this kind of keystone coppery in our diplomat diplomatic relations with one of our country’s most important allies. And, you know, it’s it’s all right. [00:31:34][27.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:31:34] Right. I’m going to put I’m going to put a question to you, David. Excellent point. Okay, R.T., what agreement did President come back with? [00:31:43][8.9]

Rey Trevino: [00:31:45] Well, that’s a good question. I’m not aware of any agreements that he did have when he came back. [00:31:50][5.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:31:51] He did have agreement. We’re investing in Saudi renewables. [00:31:55][4.5]

David Blackmon: [00:31:57] Oh, yeah, right. [00:31:58][0.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:31:59] I’m surprised. That’s an energy absurdity. They’ll do a millennium at home. [00:32:05][5.3]

Rey Trevino: [00:32:06] So America’s going to invest in Saudi Arabia renewable energies. Why not? Sure. You know what I mean. Wow. You know, there’s something new every day. And, you know, there’s there’s also a big mining operation for gold on Mars that everybody’s been investing in as well. Wow. [00:32:27][20.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:32:27] You know, I would follow Elon there. I trust him. [00:32:31][3.6]

Rey Trevino: [00:32:32] Oh, well, I’m glad you do. You know what he did? He’s doing nothing but making a powerplay for that, to try to pick up Twitter for a lot less. You can still if he’s still a Democrat, he is still a Democrat. [00:32:44][12.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:32:45] Oh, no. Okay, you guys, give me your thoughts on Twitter. Give me your thoughts on Elon and Twitter. I got my opinion. [00:32:51][6.4]

David Blackmon: [00:32:53] And I think he’s just trying to get the price down. Personally, he realizes he made too much of what he did offer $52 billion for the company. I think he thinks it’s really worth around 38. And he’s going through a lot of machinations and delays to try to get a better negotiation going on a lower price for the buyout, because what’s happened within Twitter and their board of directors is now they’ve got themselves all dead set on this sale right now. They’ve accepted it. [00:33:24][31.2]

David Blackmon: [00:33:24] They’ve worked it into their they’ve digested it and they’re ready to go. And so he sees that, and he’s just doing all this trade and trying to get the price down. I think he will ultimately buy the company. My thoughts on Twitter, this is I’ve just now opened up my own Twitter account and I still haven’t got it 100% just yet. And so, yeah, that’s really what I think. It’s Twitter as a whole. And, you know, I don’t own a Tesla. It’s about how do you sell the mouse. [00:33:56][32.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:33:58] R.T.? You move the mouse and click. [00:34:03][5.3]

David Blackmon: [00:34:04] You got a click. [00:34:04][0.4]

Rey Trevino: [00:34:05] Click. Yeah. [00:34:05][0.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:34:06] Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I’m just you’re. You’re like, fighting in a rage. [00:34:10][3.8]

Rey Trevino: [00:34:10] That you’re just so rude. [00:34:11][0.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:34:12] All right. [00:34:12][0.1]

Rey Trevino: [00:34:13] But I did get a truth account, too, or whatever it’s called. You know, the president. President Trump’s like one of those social. Yeah, true social housing. Hadn’t done anything with that. [00:34:22][9.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:34:22] 139 oh. Oh. Okay. Here’s. Here’s my $0.02 since our TV’s on. [00:34:27][4.8]

Rey Trevino: [00:34:27] Wait. Hey, hold on. Hey Stuart, what are your thoughts of your bus home? [00:34:32][4.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:34:32] Thanks for passing it off. You know, that was your moment of being a podcaster, your moment in the sun, by which I think he’s. Quite honestly, though, I think you’re both half right. You’re not a nitwit, but you’re both half right. [00:34:47][15.4]

Rey Trevino: [00:34:48] I’m not sure that’s possible, but go ahead. [00:34:49][1.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:34:50] And what I’m thinking is he if he goes to court and they he files motion, all he has to do is file a motion and say, prove it. They’re going to have to cough up their information in court. And I’m over here going, He’s not as dumb as I look. I mean, that’s. [00:35:10][19.7]

David Blackmon: [00:35:12] Right. But I think that I don’t think it’s going to get to that point, is it? I don’t think it’ll get to that point. [00:35:19][6.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:35:20] If they’re smart, they’re not If they’re dumb as a rock, it’s going to get there. [00:35:24][3.9]

David Blackmon: [00:35:25] Yeah. Well, if it does, that’s their problem. Because all they I think really all they got to do is come in and say, you know what? We can probably do this deal for 42. And then he’ll say, well, you know, I’m thinking more like 38 and the deal would be done and there won’t be a there will be a hearing. So so I think I may be wrong. [00:35:45][20.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:35:46] Are you at the 35 range or are you at the 32 range? [00:35:49][3.8]

Rey Trevino: [00:35:51] Oh, I think he’ll come in, you know. You know, when it comes to billions, what is the difference in $3 billion? Billion with a B? So I’m sure he’s going to hopefully use for the best price he can get it. I know how I like getting stuff for the best price. I think I could get it for sale, but more priority for guys. [00:36:10][19.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:36:11] I’ll tell you what, we’re going to go one more round and then we are going to make sure that this is put out on all the channels. We’re going to have our website up and that way everybody can put in questions for our next podcast. We’re going to make this really interactive because we can only make fun of ourselves for 15 minutes. Yeah, with everybody getting bored. So we want to make sure we can pick on anybody you want. And be clean. This is a family affair here going on. So you know. All right. Tell us your last thoughts. [00:36:45][33.5]

Rey Trevino: [00:36:46] Oh, I’m excited about this. You know, three podcasters walk into a bar. We’re the energy sector right now is more important than ever. And it’s really for the survival of not only America, but the world that I do believe that the oil and gas, the American oil and gas is what will save the world this time around. We just got to buck. We just got to wait and we’ll be ready for. That’s great, Reggie. My turn. Well, I just want everyone watching to know that I do not know these two guys. I just log on to their computer, and there they were. And they just started talking and asking me questions. So I’ve been trying to answer them, but they seem like good guys. And I guess we’re going to be doing more of these because apparently they’re going to just be there whenever I log on. And so, look, this is going to be fun. We’ll make the best of it. And I appreciate being included. [00:37:37][51.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:37:38] You know what thank you guys. I appreciate both of you,and David, that was the worst imitation of our president I had ever seen. You can’t even remember we had three black asses walking into a bar, and you have no idea who you are. You’re doing a great imitation of president. My name’s Stuart Turley and we can’t wait to see you guys. We can pick on somebody else. Thank you all very much. [00:38:01][23.1]

Rey Trevino: [00:38:02] Thank you. I guess. [00:38:02][0.0]



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