May 3

College Campus – Are You Kidding? – Live with the 3 Podcasters Walk Into A Bar


With 3 unique personalities, backgrounds, and one horrible team sense of humor, it makes for fun talks around the energy markets.

David Blackmon is a Forbes author and currently writes Energy Absurdities of the Day. He has several active podcasts with ….. His industry leadership is evident, but a dry, calm way of expressing himself adds a different twist.

R.T. Trevillon is the podcast host of The Crude Truth filmed in Fort Worth Texas and runs an oil and gas E&P company. Pecos Country Operating has been in business for ….years and has a constant commitment to all of their stakeholders and is actively working in this oil and gas market.

Stu Turley is the co-podcast host of the Energy News Beat Podcast. While Stu is a legend in his own mind, [email protected]




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The Crude Truth - With The Rey Trevino

The Crude Truth with Rey Trevino

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Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

College Campus – Are You Kidding? – Live with the 3 Podcasters Walk Into A Bar


Stuart Turley [00:00:00] We are live. Hang on, guys, let’s get ready to rumble. All right. Hey, have you ever had that crazy old uncle when he’s sitting there at a Christmas party or a family event and he goes, you know, these three guys walk into a bar and everybody knows it’s one of the worst jokes you could possibly hear. They’re digging for carpet. They’re hiding behind the couches. I don’t know the other two guys. Well, this is the three podcasters walking into a bar, and we have a special guest today. Let me start off with David Blackmon. David Blackmon is a former contributing author. He is on the Telegraph. He is all over the world. He is a very tired man since he’s on the planet. How are you, David?


David Blackmon [00:01:00] Yeah, that’s just a factor of age Stu, doesn’t have anything to do with anything else. Let’s not waste time on me. We have a special guest here.


Stuart Turley [00:01:06] Okay, let’s go to RT. RT Treviño, he is a big dog over there Treviño family resources and Pecos operating. How are you today?


Rey Treviño [00:01:16] I’m doing well. And again, I’m definitely not the special guest. Let’s keep moving and get to the special guest.


Stuart Turley [00:01:21] But you’re in a special short bus. Or short class? Special class. Let’s go to Doctor Stanley Ridgley. He’s one of my heroes. And he’s got a book out there called Brutal Minds. And I’ll tell you what, I think everybody needs to check out the brutal minds, the dark world of left wing brainwashing on our universities. And this is a quote from the three podcasters. It should be mandatory for all young people and parents David Blackmon, Rey Trevino and me. Welcome. I appreciate you, Doctor Stanley.


Stanley Ridgley [00:01:59] Well, thanks a lot, Stu. It’s here with the gang. And I’ve been looking forward to this for, for a long time. So, let’s get started.


Stuart Turley [00:02:07] All right. You know, we’re sitting here and, we normally talk about energy. We normally talk about things that are going on. There’s a lot of problems coming around the thing. Give us your assessment of what’s going on on the universities right now.


Stanley Ridgley [00:02:22] Well, I tell you, this has been a great week as far as I’m concerned. It started out great on Monday with, elaborate.


Stuart Turley [00:02:29] Great Week,


Stanley Ridgley [00:02:29] Great week, great week in the sense that we just had a wonderful May day. I don’t ordinarily celebrate May day, that being a prominent communist holiday. Yeah, but this May 1st we saw the clearing of the the shantytowns, the hate camps, at Columbia and, followed by the clearing of the hate camp at UCLA. We’ve seen a rollback of this wave of anti-Semitism on our college campuses. It’s kind of a, you know, come the vomiting up of the noxious ideology that has really swept the campuses and really surprised a lot of people on the campuses. And I think that administrators are finally waking up that this is not your every day group of protesters. These are seasoned veteran protesters that are coming in from outside. They, have an agenda. It doesn’t really have anything to do with so-called social justice. And I think they have really duped a lot of young people into signing on for this. And it’s a real shame that these young people have fallen for it. And they’re getting swept up in the wave of of arrests and the restoration of what I think is our enlightenment university and a recognition that we need to return to the foundation stones of a wonderful college education, the way that, it has been bequeathed to us and that we need to, steward in, in good fashion.


David Blackmon [00:03:46] Yeah, Stanley, I bet this has been a good week for book sales. Isn’t isn’t this really and truly what we’re seeing on the campuses right now? It is a little more than an outgrowth.


Stanley Ridgley [00:03:58] It is the.


David Blackmon [00:03:59] Brainwashing that’s been happening. Right?


Stanley Ridgley [00:04:01] This is the bitter fruits of the brainwash that I’ve been talking about for quite some time. You know, if you understand. And it’s not really difficult to understand if you if you have access to the right information that this has been growing on the college campus. And the seeds were planted about 20 years ago with the establishment of these bureaucracies that have been growing on our college campuses nationwide, that have been imbued with a crypto, Maoist, crypto, Marxist, ideology. Call us neo Marxism. It’s called critical theory. And this is not something that is conjured up, you know, on the what they like to say, the far right, this is what they themselves say. And I think that the, the benefit of brutal minds is that I allow these folks to speak for themselves. But 75% of the book is them speaking for themselves, telling what they have planned with their boldly transforming the university or boldly transforming higher education. That’s the motto of a significant number of these folks. And I think that once we understand, once we understand the, who is driving this, the folks on the campus that have enabled this type of thing to happen and begin to remove those people, begin to either retrain them, give them a chance to with knowledge that they have been on the wrong side of history, and that we can choose civilization over barbarism, that we’ll see a renaissance in American higher education. I think we’re at a strategic inflection point. This is a key week on that, which is why I’m delighted to be here with you guys talking.


Rey Treviño [00:05:31] Well, first of all, again, Doctor Stan, thank you so much for coming on. And, you know, kind of left me with two questions is what you’re saying about what we’re seeing on campus right now. But I want to go back to 20 years ago. I’m obviously a couple of years younger than Stu and David. And. I started my on.


Stanley Ridgley [00:05:49] Me too.


Rey Treviño [00:05:52] I started my college career about 20 years ago, with my undergrad there and there, you know, early, late 90s, early 2000. And what was it that you were seeing? Because me being an 18 year old kid, I didn’t see anything negative. I know I had to go to college. That was the next, who cared about graduate high school. I still had four more years. But, what was it that you were seeing and, that that you were seeing then and then also, what led you to write the book from what you were seeing?


Stanley Ridgley [00:06:20] Well, 20 years ago, things weren’t nearly as bad as they are now. And, what we’ve seen is the education schools that have always been an outlier in the college campus. Really the not the greatest, source of academic wisdom. These these guys in the education schools decided they want to increase their influence. And they created a series of graduate programs, advanced degrees in student affairs and higher education, leadership, etc., etc. and began inviting and recruiting people into the campus, training them in this far left ideology of of crypto Maoism, Paolo Frere, Franz Ferdinand, all of the pantheon members of the pantheon of left training these people in bureaucracy, training them to be bureaucrats and then sending them back onto the college campuses. Well, this has been going on now for 20 years, and this is what is legitimately new about the situation. So now the bitter fruits are coming. We’re seeing the bitter fruits in this, of this effort. It’s a brilliant strategy when you think about it. It is really the realization of Herbert Marx’s long march through the institutions that they’re going to undermine. They being crypto Maoist and crypto, Marxist, undermine the institutions of the West by infiltrating them and working from within. They actually advocate this. They actually say this. They call themselves tempered radicals. That’s their term. And this means they are someone, say, in a clerks position, enrollment manager, rez life director, that they are going to use their position to undermine and subvert the university in the name of social justice. This is what they say that they’re doing. This is not some sort of outsider looking in. No, this is an insider speaking, and I’m allowing them to speak for themselves. This has been going on a long time, and now we see that these bureaucracies have enabled what we see on the college campuses in the name of this social justice, which is really socialism and crypto Maoism. It’s a terrible thing.


Rey Treviño [00:08:14] You know, the other thing, you know, I definitely know that there are professional protesters that are there. But this did start with the students, like at Columbia and things like that. Is that correct? Like that? The actual students are the ones that at least started protesting in the beginning, and then that gave time for everybody else to come in.


Stanley Ridgley [00:08:32] Well, certainly. Yeah. There’s a certain, small group of students on virtually every college campus that are idealistic, and they believe they’re going to change the world. This is part of the philosophy of Marx that they adopted at the at the. Philosophy is to change the world, not to describe it. They’re going to change the world, and we stand against the status quo, rarely acknowledging the fact that they simply want to replace the status quo with their own status quo. That’s that’s the whole point of this thing. So this idea of we’re standing against the status quo as if it’s, noble, endeavor. It’s it’s a it’s false, it’s foolish. And these students, if you nurture them and give them the means by which to protest, you give them leave to leave campus. I’m sorry. Leave classes, not attend classes. You give college credit for demonstrations, which I have personally seen professors do, giving credit to for students to go to a demonstration, holding a class at the demonstration, moving it out of the classroom and over to the demonstration. And I can guarantee you it is never demonstrations for things like, oh, the Second Amendment or anything like that. You know, these are all, protests of a certain persuasion, social justice, which, you know, excludes certain values and, and embraces other values. These values always seem to be antithetical to the American experience and, and common sense and always seems to be, you know, undermining, the idea of civil discourse, the idea of the universities, a repository of logic, reason, scientific method, humane values, that kind of thing. No, it’s it’s a it’s a, an ideology of, basically, class envy and hate. It’s.


Rey Treviño [00:10:14] It’s hate. I mean, I can’t, I can’t I can’t imagine anything. Gentlemen, I know y’all got a lot to say, too, but it’s it’s it’s pure hate. You can’t eradicate one one person. I mean, come on. This is back to 1937, for goodness sakes. And it’s just pure hate. And I don’t even know how many have. I mean, have you all seen the videos of how many? I’m just gonna be blunt. How many white young men you see on these protests right now for this? I mean, it’s just ridiculous.


Stuart Turley [00:10:43] Look at the screen RT. You bring up some great points. These are some of the student protesters.


David Blackmon [00:10:50] They’re not students.


Stanley Ridgley [00:10:53] They were. They were at the University of South Florida. This just came out today. 10 to 10 people were arrested protesting at the University of South Florida. And this is sort of what we expect when we see this type of thing. We finally identify the people, take their masks off, put them in, you know, give them a mug shot. And we see folks like the guy, the bottom guy on the bottom row, second from the right. It doesn’t really look like, you know, I mean, I know this guy. This guy’s old enough to be my dad, you know? And then the guy on the on the bottom, the left. Two guys I have, you know, crazy eyes. Oh, yeah. I mean, look at these guys.


Rey Treviño [00:11:32] That is now.


Stanley Ridgley [00:11:33] What we see more and more this. And I think we’re going to have a year more kind of revelation as more and more of these people are the mug shots of these people are released. We’re going after.


Stuart Turley [00:11:42] I thought you were going to say, this looks like me. And I’m like, oh, man, that’s a much better looking guy than me. You’ve been at this out on LinkedIn just a little while ago. Doctor Ridgley and.


Stanley Ridgley [00:11:53] I look at that, make sure it’s me. Okay? Yeah.


Stuart Turley [00:11:56] I’m hoping that you.


Stanley Ridgley [00:11:57] Oh, you know. Yeah, yeah. That’s me. That’s for sure. For sure. Yeah, I did put that out. I, I think that it’s an example of weak leadership, and particularly at UCLA, but also at Columbia, that they could have done with great ease last week what they did with great difficulty. Last night I was giving up.


Video Speaker 1 [00:12:14] They’ve been dislodged.


Stuart Turley [00:12:16] Yeah. Here’s the violence from UCLA that you had talked about last night. And for our podcast listeners, we’re showing it on here. And I thought it was pretty funny. Doctor Stanley, when or doctor Ridgley see me when, when they were sitting there and they said he just got hit with a, a pallet, and this guy gets bounced in the back of the head with a pallet. I thought it was pretty wild.


David Blackmon [00:12:40] I think it’s an important point to point out that, that violence went on for two hours with zero presence from any law enforcement on campus, no presence whatsoever. It was allowed by the administration at UCLA to continue for two hours. And they had actively asked the LAPD to stand down.


Stanley Ridgley [00:13:03] Well, I think that, this this occurred after I think that the UCLA administration declared the encampment to be, what they say, unlawful. And I have no idea who these people were that came in to conduct a citizen’s action to remove the chanties, to remove the hate camp when the when the authorities refused to do so, refused to, to enforce the law. And, well, I don’t endorse vigilante activism. I certainly am not shedding any tears over this sort of thing. And I think that it’s it’s all on the UCLA administration, which let this hate camp thrive and reinforce itself over a long period of time. And the videos are absolutely horrendous. Where the. They’re trying to they being the protesters or demonstrators. Agitators are basically denying access of passage to Jewish students. Actually, what does drawing a Star of David on the ground and asking all Jewish students to line up there and verify? Absolutely horrendous. So it’s just and it harkens back as reset to the 1930s. And that famous picture, infamous picture from 1938 of the Nazi stormtroopers, holding hands, linking arms across the foot of the stair steps of the University of Vienna and walking Jewish access. It’s apt. It’s a repetition of history. And the fact really is the job at Columbia and UCLA administrations, it work. Wringing hands over what to do and what to do was fairly clear. I think Ben Sasse at Florida gave us a wonderful example of what you do. You enforce those rules early on. I think it’s a defense.


David Blackmon [00:14:41] Bill Hartzell at Texas did.


Stanley Ridgley [00:14:42] Yes, yes I do.


David Blackmon [00:14:43] As a student, I have two.


Stanley Ridgley [00:14:45] Perfect example of what’s called broken window policing. Used to be done in New York. You police those lower level crimes and you solve a lot of crimes before they actually happen. You prevent a lot of crimes, because people performing the lower level crimes, those same ones who are going to be doing, the mischief at the, at the higher level. So if you if you clear these hate camps when they first spring up by enforcing the university rules, which what they should have done, you can prevent this type of, violent outbreak. Eight weeks later.


Rey Treviño [00:15:18] You know, it’s been a.


David Blackmon [00:15:19] Real contrast in, in how the management at each school manages these things. Right. And it’s really pointed out the big differences in regional food. Between the university. It’s just a 1 1. and then a question, at Texas, I have a I have a contact that, won’t identify further, but who has inside information about how that all germinated. That was not begun by actual students. That was begun by organizers coming onto the campus and agitating a bunch of students to get involved. And then that that all started to spring up. It was not students who started that all. The second thing is, I’m sure, Stanley, you saw that, earlier this year, the University of Texas and other state supported schools in our state fired, shut down, die quote, die offices. UT got rid of 60 of the cockroaches that have been, indoctrinating students at that school. But isn’t rooting this out much more complicated than just shutting down an office and getting rid of X number of, bad, bad apples? Because the die philosophy itself has been so become so ingrained in the curriculum at these universities and in, in, in math classes and physics and English. And, you know, you name a subject, you’ve got die being indoctrinated through those classes. Now, how do we go about reversing that?


Stanley Ridgley [00:17:01] Well, that’s a mouthful right there. And I’ll address


David Blackmon [00:17:03] I know, I’m sorry.


Stanley Ridgley [00:17:05] I’m happy to address


David Blackmon [00:17:07] your your. Book just shocked me and I’ve been thinking about it.


Stanley Ridgley [00:17:10] I tried to address all of that. The fact matter is that the DEA I people they’re not they’re not, you know, they’re not they’re nice people for the most part, generally speaking. I mean, I’ve dealt with them. They’re nice people. They just believe strongly in what they, you know, and what what they, their their doctrine. They believe strongly in this. And if you challenge your premises, you’ve got a real problem on your hands, in the sense that, their premises, are what’s wrong with the whole idea. And I think Texas has taken a major step, and that’s a great first step in firing all of these folks and sending them on their way. But it’s a lot of work being sent on their way. And that is the problem. This bureaucracy I talked about, is not going anywhere unless it is recognized for what it is, what it’s doing, and that what they’re saying and doing is actually on the wrong side of history and is antithetical to what the university stands for. And unless and until that is recognized, then we’re going to have this type of problem like Medusa. I’m saying that is a hydra. You cut one head to head, spring out. It’s always going to come back to bite. They’re never right now all our victories are, ephemeral. They’re just transient. And we’re going to stick to the same people are there. And I guarantee you, a lot of those die people are hanging around in other positions with different titles, and they have their convictions have not been challenged and and rattled at all. They are still as convicted about their doctrine as they always have been. They they have no doubts. They have no doubt that what they’re doing is is right. And that’s the problem. And that’s why we unless we pursue this and make sure that these folks are expunged from the campus. Or at the very least may be given a chance to, say, you know what? I was wrong. And, I do believe in the university as an enlightenment. A creation of the enlightenment. A place where we can come and we can disagree civilly. And we and all points of view can be, assessed and be dismissed from the campus if they are found wanting. That’s that’s the part of diversity of thought. We never really, really acknowledge that, you know, whenever your your position has been expounded, it’s found to be lacking. It’s not scientifically based, it’s simply alchemy or astrology or pseudoscience. Well, that belief is going to be ushered off the campus. And that’s how we that’s how our society advances. That’s how knowledge advances by finding out, determining what is pseudoscience and what’s fake, dismissing it and then moving forward. So your question, David, was that how can we go about doing this? What we have to recognize, as I say in brutal minds, that the bureaucracy and I say this, you know, I, I’m giving them a tip of the hat. They hide behind the word bureaucracy. These are not anonymous people. We can find out who they are, their clerks, enrollment managers, their life managers. They are, academic advisors who are all members. Many of them are members of these off campus groups that are riven with Marxist ideology, groups like, the Nakata, and for NEC, it’s called, narcotic for academic advisors, ACPa, ACPa for Student Affairs people, or Naspa, which is also for student affairs people. These campus groups are absolutely horrendous in that they are completely steeped in this radical philosophy, the same philosophy that you see displayed on the streets, the same philosophy that animates these hate camps that we’ve seen on the campuses, these off campus groups that I just mentioned are, you know, these are membership organizations for all of these bureaucrats on the campuses where they go to institutes and they learn how to brainwash students coming back or coming back onto the campus, how to run a student orientation brainwashing, how to run a seminar on on racism, teaching about race, which is basically teaching people to hate each other because their oppressors are oppressed. All of this has been well discussed, and I think we need to understand who the people are that are enabling this and target them, not just going after the nutty professors that we happen to, you know, to see on Twitter, that they’re, for the most part basically harmless. You know, they, they act as fellow travelers. You saw some of them in Columbia going out in their arms and, and linking arms, about 35 of them. We also saw someone at Emory I their name was Carolyn Folan, who was thrown to the ground and arrested because she came up behind a policeman who was in the middle of an arrest and touch tapped him on the head. You don’t do that to a policeman. Who’s that? You don’t look competitive situation. His gun is right there in his holster. He doesn’t know what’s going on in. And she brought it on herself. And to describe her as being. Oh, she was roughed up. No, no, she got exactly what, anyone in that position should receive, including myself. I’m not going to find an officer of the law tapping him on the head while he’s in the midst of an arrest. That’s just, that’s a stupid, you know, Miss Professor. And then she had the audacity to say, I’m a professor. I’m a professor. So. Yeah. No. Yeah. You know, I’m going to try that and see where that gets me whenever I deal with the police.


Stuart Turley [00:22:09] As this came out and.


Video Speaker 2 [00:22:11] See that I get stopped for speeding. And here in Philadelphia, I’m a professor.


Stuart Turley [00:22:15] Oh, yeah. This came out and I a, David, kay, he was on there and I’m just going to leave this running here. This is he was saying it is, I’d rather talk over him. I’m just kidding. But, it’s an interesting. I’ll have the link in the show notes and it’s the grants. You just said this, sir, that, you know, they had all the pizzas and they had everything, and they they’re having the training offsite. And I found this this morning was just absolutely despicable. Who’s paying for it? It’s a lot of the Soros Foundation, the NGOs there that are out there. And look at this. It’s the Palestinian rights group. And it it will I’ll have this in the, show notes as the staff gets this out there.


Rey Treviño [00:23:07] You know, it it just it’s just it’s just crazy what we’re seeing. And, I want to say this, first of all, for all our listeners and viewers out there, if you haven’t bought the book Brutal Minds by Doctor Stanley Ridgley, please pick it up. It is such an eye opener. And Doctor Stan, I like how you mentioned, first of all, that most of these people are very nice. You know, professors are deans, so they’re all nice people. And in which in most cases, everybody is usually a pretty nice person. But I feel like being back even now, you know, those who do do and those who can’t teach. And, you know, there’s a funny scene in one of the great movies called McLintock! With John Wayne. And in 1963, he sits there and says, if you don’t let your sons learn and do everything and be able to do more, there’s going to be people in political positions that never work a day in their life telling workers how to work. And that’s really where we’re also at now with our academy, that we have so many academia’s that have never actually stepped foot out inside the real world, trying to teach students how to be in the real world.


Stanley Ridgley [00:24:19] Well, I tell you, I would give, you know, a salute to any plumber over 50 sociologists. You know, so someone is actually going to do something, help us make our lives better, improve our lives. You know, the business community, people who are creating wealth, giving us what we want, what we need, what we desire, and doing it at a price that we can afford, which is really what, you know, business is really all about and doing for other people. That’s capitalism.


Rey Treviño [00:24:45] Yeah.


Stanley Ridgley [00:24:45] This guy’s talking about this.


Stuart Turley [00:24:47] Let me ask you this. Doctor Stanley, I saw, Doctor Ridgely. Sorry. I keep, sitting there looking at these people, and they’re and they’re they’re on the they’re sitting there going, we need pizzas. And the the NGOs are buying all these things. They can barely do anything. I’ve got it like a ten second clip here. One of them having some serious problems going to the restroom. And this is absolutely a hoot. So I’m taking this video up a little bit about a college student and how they should do it. Okay, so let’s bring this thing up. Let me, start the video here. So now, I would not want to be a squirrel on a college campus right now. Okay, so, you know. I’m asking you this. Before, right? You know, so, you know, you sit back, and these poor kids don’t understand work. They they’re sitting there. They’re paid by people. And one of the the the one video that we were kind of looking at, they were making $8,000 a week for some of the ones that were doing what you had said, which is doing the teaching and all. Well, that’s big money. You know. Good grief.


Rey Treviño [00:26:16] Can I can I throw this in there? I don’t know. I don’t know what kind of, we have. I’m going to say something. And I was up in Austin, yesterday, and I was on my way down, and I was I was talking to, a friend of mine as I’m driving down, and it hit me, guys. We are having the identical crisis that we had four years ago. Yes.


David Blackmon [00:26:38] It is an election year.


Rey Treviño [00:26:39] George Floyd were in May of 2020, and now we are having the same disruption again in this election cycle right now or in the same time frame to May of 2024. If people out there can’t read this out that this is all being manmade. And by only a certain group, they need a, they need to pull their heads out of the sand, or they probably are the squirrel in that video.


Stanley Ridgley [00:27:05]  I think that, people are well aware and remember what happened in the summer of 2020. And, a lot of administrators who may well be sympathetic to what these folks are saying are, you know, beholden to the public at large. And they say, you know, we saw what happened in 2020 and we’re not going to have this go on and on, because if we don’t get this in the bud now, you know, and some of them later than, than others, it’s going to continue to metastasize because the issue is not anti-Israel. The issues, it’s a whole it’s a whole knapsack full of issues that a lot of these outside agitators are bringing on to the campus. If you listen to some of them on the on the microphone, they say, this is a revolution. This is in California, this thing, the system is based on violence. We want to bring down the system. We want to disrupt and dismantle the system, which is basically anything that they they don’t like this. We want to, as I said, reassert or establish their own status quo to replace the, the status quo that they don’t like. It happens to be a status quo that 80% of the American people are just fine with and want these folks to expunge from the campus. And they want, people to get the young people there to get the educations they’re paying, that they’re paying for.


David Blackmon [00:28:20] That’s just one, one other point about these NGOs. We describe them a lot as Soros funded, and they are in part, funded by George Soros and his front groups, the Open Society and, and, and 100 other front groups that he helps fund in this country to, to dismantle our society. But we also need to recognize that those same groups receive all sorts of money from the federal government in the form of grants. The, open society itself, BLM itself, received a lot of money from the federal government. And these these are the exact same NGOs who created anti foreign fund, Antifa funded most of BLM. They’re the same ones that funded Occupy Wall Street. They’re the same ones that funded all the street protests against the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, which, you know, I make no judgment about that. But this is this is a cottage industry in this country, and our idiots in our federal government pay a lot of their bills, you know. So, you know, we yes, George Soros is is a bad guy. And we need to recognize his role in all of this and his family and the Rockefeller Foundation, the Tides Foundation, all these billionaire foundations that are also pouring money into the same groups. But the federal government’s providing a lot of that money as well. So you folks, all y’all watching out there who actually pay taxes, you’re helping to fund all this nonsense, do you know?


Rey Treviño [00:29:52] And that’s just such a it’s such a kick in the the face. When you say it like that.


Stuart Turley [00:29:58] Much, you’re about to say it’s about a kick in the squirrel.


Rey Treviño [00:30:03] but that is, that’s the Crude Truth


David Blackmon [00:30:05] They just have to do a better job voting, folks.


Rey Treviño [00:30:07] Yeah, we we need to. I was talking to somebody. I was talking to a friend to get the today saying, I’m going to vote for Donald Trump for the third time. Like, first of all, who would have ever guessed that? But who are we kidding, guys? Everybody out there. We are not better off than we were four years ago. We are not building back anything better. Gas prices, you know, all tie in energy. No, natural gas is ridiculously low. Oil prices are ridiculously high. Gasoline prices are high. Energy bills, David. I mean, we talk about that all the time. Our 25% higher than they were three years ago, I think at least so much.


Stuart Turley [00:30:44] On David and, R.T. I was sitting here right before you guys got on here visiting with, Stanley, and we were kind of laughing. You mentioned this is a great week, sir. You I mean, you say, hey, we got all these great things going on, but I was sitting here kind of thinking, Holy smokes. There was actually a good video. When I was prepping for today’s show. I would have never guessed both sides were agreeing on this one. There’s both sides you got in deeper. You got the other guys, and they’re all doing the fjb, man.


David Blackmon [00:31:23] Let’s go Brandon. Yeah.


Rey Treviño [00:31:24] Yeah.


Stuart Turley [00:31:25] And they’re fun. Sorry.


Rey Treviño [00:31:28] No, that’s a good video that probably needs to get out a little bit. It shows that there’s, one thing in common that everybody may have right now. So, I mean, who, you know, as they always say, you can always find one thing in common with somebody. Or I do like that famous quote by, Abraham Lincoln. I don’t like that guy very much. I need to go know him better. You know, I love that quote. Like, you know, you gotta you’ll find common ground with everyone. Well, when I know, you know about it.


Stuart Turley [00:32:00] Yeah. When I was working with Abraham Lincoln, you know, I was there right before he got shot. Just grateful that wasn’t me.


David Blackmon [00:32:08] I don’t need to offer a disclaimer up at this moment that that Doctor Ridgley is our guest and does not necessarily endorse all the views.


Rey Treviño [00:32:17] All the views, the impressions. Yes, that is true. He is our guest. This is three podcasters walk into a bar. This is not the crude truth or energy news beat.


Stanley Ridgley [00:32:26] This is for the first round of drinks right here.


Rey Treviño [00:32:29] That’s right.


David Blackmon [00:32:30] I told you I was getting the beat down.


Stanley Ridgley [00:32:32] You guys, you guys are all energy guys. And I have to say, I’m quite sympathetic to the cause and certainly against this whole notion of net zero and green agenda. And, what I find is that, I sometimes, you know, come across these discussions, as you might imagine, in, in my environs, and I refuse to be a part of any conversation about, climate change. I would say anthropogenic climate change that does not include, the countries China and India and Malaysia and the future. I simply do not want to be a part of that conversation because it’s either an existential crisis or it’s not. But what I hear is that there are certain countries that should be given a pass because they’re developing, and they need to catch up. I’m sorry. If we’re in an existential crisis, we’re all need to tighten our belts, don’t we? If we’re not in an existential crisis, which is what this exemption for India and China and other countries suggests, then, then. Okay, well, let’s go ahead and drill, baby. Drill, because, I believe that eggs, absent in these discussions is any geopolitical, geostrategic, implications of moving to a, you know, solar panels and wind, wind farms and that are male solar panels that are made in China while they’re opening up coal fired coal plants faster than you can say, you know, Johnny hits the spot. It’s amazing that there’s this disjuncture between what, is actually happening and what people are, you know, lining up to, to support. And until we can have that conversation, that’s a real conversation that includes all these elements. I’m going to be standing tall with you guys on this. All right.


David Blackmon [00:34:13] Well, we’ll take it.


Rey Treviño [00:34:15] I’ll take I like that I’m gonna have to use that one against that. And China India to the conversation I want to talk about.


Stanley Ridgley [00:34:21] Exactly. I will say to you guys that this one part of the great one, great scene from this week was the scene at UNC Chapel Hill, my alma mater, where, the these protesters actually took down the American flag and raised this Palestinian flag on a central flagpole. And, the police came and took it down. And then the agitators were trying to bring the flag, our flag down again, and a bunch of fraternity brothers from blackout surrounded it and refused to allow the demonstrators to to take the flag down. It was a wonderful scene, wonderful photographs. And, I think one of those, legendary moments of this. Yeah. Memorable week. I think we’re lucky. Boy, we are.


Stuart Turley [00:35:02] Was a great there’s a great country and western singer. And I just saw his Twitter feed, and he said he wants to go fly out and do a personal, concert for them. How cool is that? That we got great leaders in country and western leaders like that. Let me just show this one clip. I’ll turn the sound off. But this is China. And China was just put out this week that they produce more pollution than all of the other Western society combined.


David Blackmon [00:35:40] Yeah, all of the developed society combined. China creates more pollution. Yes.


Stanley Ridgley [00:35:45] I did, I’ve been to Beijing. I taught in China for four years. I’ve been to Beijing like, so that they have they have, wonderful skyscrapers in Beijing, but you just can’t see them. Yeah. And I’m very serious about this. You can drive down one of the wide avenues, and you can only see the buildings that are immediately to your right and left, perhaps a little bit in front of you. Because the smog is so dense in the city. That’s not an exaggeration. That video that Stu’s showing us is pretty accurate. And I, I have been wearing masks for a lot longer than we have.


Rey Treviño [00:36:20] Yeah, well.


Stanley Ridgley [00:36:21] Prior to the to the, Covid because of the pollution. Yeah, that is just absolutely devastating. So. Beijing is in a kind of a pocket where that pollution is trapped.


David Blackmon [00:36:32] in a place like Los Angeles.


Stanley Ridgley [00:36:34] Yes. You can’t get up. You can’t get up. But if you.


David Blackmon [00:36:37] Go to L.A. today and you can see the whole skyline. It’s it’s incredible how much we’ve done in our country to clean up the air and water. Yet our children in colleges are being indoctrinated to believe that they live in this dangerous environment that makes them sick all the time. They have no clue. I mean, they I live through the 70s, man. We had rivers catching on fire in Pittsburgh, you know? I remember what real pollution is.


Rey Treviño [00:37:10] Or, you know, I remember in their late 80s, it was all about the acid rain up in the northwest. Sure. And, I mean, it’s it’s we have done so much here. And, of course, you know, I give a cheesy shout out to my good friend Keith Stelter. I mean, he’s all about the, is it carbon or methane that we, like, actually emit .004 or something like that? He’s always calling that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s like it’s so small that the methane. Yeah, yeah, just a trace. So, I just, you know, it just blows me away. And what an honor to have you on to talk about, really, what’s been going on. And that’s what’s so cool about three podcasters walk into a bar and really, any of our podcast, man. And we we will talk about the issues that are facing this nation. And in fact, one of these days, I do believe the Biden administration will actually call up Stu, and we’ll get this whole thing fixed overnight.


Stanley Ridgley [00:38:06] Yeah. Sure.


Stuart Turley [00:38:09] Oh yeah. I was talking to some CIA guys today, too, so, you know, we’ll just leave that alone.


David Blackmon [00:38:16] oh. We have five more minutes. Okay.


Stuart Turley [00:38:18] Yeah. And so get your last questions in, and, Doctor Stanley. Doctor Ridgley, how do people find you other than on campus? I want to give you a shout out when we were talking. And you’ve got my 1910 hat from my granddad, who was a sheriff. I got it in my blood. B honoree. And when you go on campus, can you show us your hat? And you were talking to the rabbi you’re standing up for? Well, what do you believe in?


Stanley Ridgley [00:38:49] Oh, it’s all well and good. It’s, you know, whisper your defense or, you know, you know, support for your colleagues and everything. But I talked to the rabbi at our Hillel, our Hillel, group here on campus and said, right. So would it be appropriate? Okay. Because I didn’t want to do anything to offend anyone if I. Well, I’m on the campus if I could wear my yarmulke. And so when I’m on campus, I wear my yarmulke, walking to and from class, walking to from my home to onto campus to increase the presence, to increase the Jewish presence. That it’s an unafraid kind of presence and to share that burden of threat. I don’t make any, any big scene about it. I just do it. And I think it’s a tangible manifestation of my support for our Jewish students, colleagues, students, colleagues and staff who, are facing this kind of threat alone. And it’s something that, I decided to do. And, I will continue to do it and certainly tell you, my Jewish colleagues do appreciate it. And, so, yeah, that’s that’s what I do. And, I think.


David Blackmon [00:39:49] That’s wonderful.


Stanley Ridgley [00:39:50] I don’t look for any kind of recognition for it. I really don’t, because it’s just, I think it needs I think more of us need to stand up for what is right. I think standing up for civilization versus barbarism. And if we don’t stand up, who will? Right,.


David Blackmon [00:40:04] Right. Exactly.


Stuart Turley [00:40:05] You know Stan. That is absolutely the way I believe, that we’ve got to stand up as Christian men being able to stand up for our neighborhoods and coming around this corner off the grid. Natural disaster. We had those horrible, tornadoes in, sulfur, Oklahoma. You just need to be prepared and be prepared. Be a light in your neighborhood. But more importantly, also practice non hypocrisy. You know, wow. You know, figure that one out.


David Blackmon [00:40:45] And everybody needs to buy brutal minds. You need to read it. Open your eyes or what?


Stanley Ridgley [00:40:53] I will say, I think you should give it, you know, give brutal lies to your favorite college students or your parents of college students, or you have grandkids. And in college, it tells you what’s going on. And most importantly, it tells you what you as a student and what you as a parent can do to armoring yourself to a mask, relate to brainwash, or to neutralize them and get that college education that you’re that you’re paying for.


Stuart Turley [00:41:17] I’m teaching my grandson to go to a trade school, and, everything I can around the land. I’m going to hand him a chainsaw. And, you know, I’m going to teach at night. Plumbing. He ain’t going to college until it cleans up.


Rey Treviño [00:41:33] Yeah, but also, don’t forget, you do. Gotta finish, you know, building that house with. Probably why you hand him a chainsaw in the plumbing, too.


Stanley Ridgley [00:41:39] If I can, jump in and give a plug here, I will be. You can get your copy of Brutal Minds signed. I’ll be, speaking at the NRA’s national conference in. Wow. Right there in Texas. I’ll be speaking on the, seventh, on the 17th, 18th and 19th.


David Blackmon [00:41:56] Of May.


Rey Treviño [00:41:57]  Of May.


David Blackmon [00:41:58] This month?


Stanley Ridgley [00:41:59] Of May? Yes.


Stuart Turley [00:42:00] We need to do a live podcast together. Yeah.


Rey Treviño [00:42:04] Well, that’s kind of what I was thinking. I know me and Stan have been loosely talking about that, and. So. Yeah, we should do something.


Stuart Turley [00:42:12] Oh, this is cool. Yeah,.


Stanley Ridgley [00:42:16] I’ll be talking live. Taking, whatever questions are there. There are. And, giving the latest updates from the college campuses. Oh, no. We need.


David Blackmon [00:42:25] Fantastic


Stuart Turley [00:42:26] Let’s go meet at a bar, a real bar, a real bar. Well, thank you everybody. David. Last words.


David Blackmon [00:42:35] Well, just thank the doctor Ridgley for joining us. This has been great. I hope we didn’t embarrass you too badly. But, you know, your book again is one of the best books I’ve ever read. The most useful, worthwhile books I’ve ever read. And I can’t recommend it highly enough.


Stanley Ridgley [00:42:51] Yeah. Thank you so much.


Stuart Turley [00:42:53] RT, as always, I love you. Is there anything. What has your last word there, man?


Rey Treviño [00:42:59] Same thing. I got a mirror. David Blackmon. Thank you, Doctor Stanley Ridgley great to, officially meet you today. And, again, if if anybody hasn’t read it, please, please get out there by brutal minds. It is a great read and nothing else. Just a good one to do.


Stuart Turley [00:43:16] Stanley, I can’t wait to hug you and, a man hug, you know, sorry we got the man hug going on, thing there.


Stanley Ridgley [00:43:27] We got a bromance going on.


Stuart Turley [00:43:28] Oh, absolutely. But what is the last thoughts for you? And I know that we can make this country, really what it should be when I grew up.


Stanley Ridgley [00:43:40] Yeah. My thoughts on that is that this is a is really is a turning point week. I do believe that in terms of the American public waking up to what’s happening on the campuses, that, that the, external influences on the campus are noxious and they’re nefarious and that we ought to be on our guard. But we can we can take this country back. We can restore American higher education with enlightenment principles of logic, progress, scientific method and humane values. And I think that everyone pulling together, we can do it.


Stuart Turley [00:44:08] Thank you so much. And to all of our listeners out there, this will be out on, the, energy question with David Blackmon. It’ll be out on his Substack. It’ll be out on RT’s, the Crude Truth Substack. It’ll be out on my Substack. If you don’t see this episode, it’s because you’re not even alive. All right. Thank you everybody.


Rey Treviño [00:44:29] Thank you all for watching. Thank you guys.


David Blackmon [00:44:32] Thank you all.




3 podcaster walk into a bar, David Blackmon, RT Trevino, Stu Turley

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