January 20

3 Podcasters Walk Into A Bar – #12 – The guys are at it again !!


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David Blackmon LinkedIn

DB Energy Questions 

The Crude Truth with Rey Trevino

Rey Trevino LinkedIn

Energy Transition Weekly Conversation

David Blackmon LinkedIn

Irina Slav LinkedIn

Armando Cavanha LinkedIn

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 – Intro
05:14 – Talks about Governor Newsom
09:17 – Talks about windfall profit tax
13:53 – Talks about ERCOT and the recent big freeze
16:27 – Talks about omnibus bill for next year
18:26 – Talks about three grid main grid sections
23:56 – Talks about form of energy
26:20 – Talks about Energy Fat checked with JP
28:19 – Talks about thought about 2023
30:34 – Outro

If you have any questions, please reach out to us. We want to answer all questions, and if you have what it takes to be a podcast host and you want your show reach out.

Also, sponsor slots are available. There is excellent reach with the four podcasts.


DB Energy Questions 

David Blackmon LinkedIn

The Crude Truth - With The Rey Trevino

The Crude Truth with Rey Trevino

Rey Trevino LinkedIn

The Energy News Beat Podcast

Stu Turley LinkedIn

Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Stuart Turley: [00:00:13] Hey, everybody. Today is a great day. We got three amigos in here, and we’re here for a podcast. Have you ever heard of that uncle that is at Christmas that you probably just had? And it was always starts a horrible joke and says, Hey, these three guys walk into a bar. Well, I found two other guys, and this is the three podcasters walk into the bar. [00:00:38][24.1]

Stuart Turley: [00:00:38] My name’s Stu Turley, president and CEO of the Sandstone Group, and my podcast is actually called the Energy Newsbeat podcast. And I’ve got coming around the corner, I’ve got David Blackmon and I always say this David Blackmon, because he’s the only one that I care to hang out with, and he is a Forbes contributor, contributing author. Well, I can’t even speak. I must have too much sugar in my blood here. [00:01:03][25.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:01:04] And David, you’ve got to podcast your on the energy transfer with Man and Irina. And then you have The Energy question, which is just a fabulous production. It’s really getting some traction. And congratulations and welcome. [00:01:19][15.7]

David Blackman: [00:01:20] Well, it’s wonderful. It’s it’s been fun doing those. And thank you for playing host to the The Energy question and to the Energy Transition podcast. [00:01:29][8.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:01:30] Oh, they’re absolutely wonderful. And coming around the corner at warp speed, I’m not sure he’s a full Thoroughbred, but he is The. RT Trevino and he’s got The Crude truth. And believe it or not, r t is also an AMP executive with Paco’s operating Corp. And I’ve had the pleasure of working with R.T. on some projects, but our team is also well known and he’s just now hit the top 25. And some of the reviews out there for the Druids. We’ve got to give you a shout out there. [00:02:13][43.4]

Ray Travino: [00:02:14] Thank you. Very cool. Thank you. [00:02:16][2.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:02:17] Welcome. [00:02:17][0.0]

Ray Travino: [00:02:18] Well, great to be back. I am excited we’re kicking it off. Well, I’m here with the two and I will say two of the smartest guys around that I personally know in the oil and gas industry. I won’t mention the guy that’s written Pulitzer Prize winners like Prize because I haven’t had the opportunity to meet him. Daniel Yergin But David, and Stu. It’s always great to be with you two that are just looking into the future and you all know what’s in the crystal ball so many times. And again, David, when people when you write in Forbes are you’re on the Energy question, people stop and listen and make choices often of what you say in how they move forward. So again, it’s great to be here. Great to be here. [00:03:03][45.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:03:04] Thank you, RT. They don’t know him very well, do they? Yeah. [00:03:07][2.6]

Ray Travino: [00:03:07] Boy. Yeah. [00:03:08][1.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:03:10] Well, guys, real quick, how was your Christmas, David? You had a lot of family. And did any of your uncles come in and start a bad joke? [00:03:18][7.8]

David Blackmon: [00:03:18] No, I’ve only got one. One living uncle left, and he’s older than I am, so he, he he stays pretty close to home these days down in South Texas. But yeah, we got man, I got to spend so much time with with family. It was just wonderful over the holidays and. [00:03:36][17.3]

David Blackmon: [00:03:36] Well, it’s the only one with uncles that are younger than he is. So, you know, his family is inbred over there. So, Aki, how was yours. [00:03:44][8.2]

David Blackmon: [00:03:47] Boy? What? A man saw it. [00:03:50][3.4]

Ray Travino: [00:03:51] Oh, well, it was good. We. We had it in my father’s house there in Fort Worth, and we I think our uncle, we had about 30, 30 people over at the house and just great and great blessings and a really, really wonderful time. [00:04:08][16.9]

Ray Travino: [00:04:08] And this is my son’s second Christmas. He’s now just over one. So the first one, as my father in law said, it was really just the potatoes in there, you know, last year. But this year, you know, he was just so excited and got to open up gifts kind of sort of this year. But anyway, it was very, very good. I actually do have some older uncles and me, they’re all from great uncles, are my father’s uncle. So they’re 85, 90 years old. And they said, still sit back and say, I remember back in my. [00:04:39][30.7]

David Blackmon: [00:04:39] Day. [00:04:39][0.0]

David Blackmon: [00:04:40] Oh, all right, that’s great. [00:04:42][2.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:04:43] Well, I got a few things I want to chat at, but I’ll bring those up later or to you and our chit chat. And with David just before this about some of the California stuff with our beloved Newsom, he’s the gift that keeps on giving with entertainment. What did you have there? [00:05:00][16.4]

Ray Travino: [00:05:01] Oh, I tell you, yes. No, you know, we could go into so many different parts about just Governor Newsom over there. But right now I was able to do some research and found out that he has been able to do. So dare I say, wordplay, and that they are looking at a windfall profit tax just like some of the other people we get. I’m not for a windfall profit tax. [00:05:24][23.3]

Ray Travino: [00:05:24] Some of my compadres in the industry are. I’m not for it. However, what they’ve done is been able to change the words around that since it’s a profit tax, that they would need a two thirds vote yes in legislation to make that pass. How? And this was back in October that go get Governor Newsom mentioned this. [00:05:48][23.2]

Ray Travino: [00:05:48] Well in the last few days, he is now beginning to call it a civil penalty that if these individuals either make too much money, produce too much oil, too much gasoline at the refineries, that they will then get a civil penalty. And what’s important about that is the language. And I kid you not, you know, legal is legal and and good, bad or indifferent. When you played the laws of this land the right way, things can always work in your favor. [00:06:20][32.2]

Ray Travino: [00:06:21] And this is one of those that I really wanted to bring up, that by then, just changing the name to a civil penalty, they no longer need two thirds of vote in the legislation there in California to get this law passed. [00:06:37][15.6]

Ray Travino: [00:06:38] And that’s very concerning that you are able again good batter different twist around the laws of the land to get what you want. And what this really is is nothing more than another money grab from the government to supposedly go back and pay the people. But we all know that that’s not going to happen. So I wanted to lose my little $0.02 of the day. [00:07:04][25.4]

David Blackmon: [00:07:05] Holy cow. Wow. That’s. That’s pretty clever. I guess you have to give him credit for being, you know, a little ignorantly clever. He’s the gift that keeps on giving. We’re entertainments conserved and keeps all taken, more monies conserved. So who gets who gets to determine what’s what’s too much money? Yeah. I mean, who makes that decision? Who determines. [00:07:28][23.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:07:28] Every hour is going to go after $600 and Venmo or whatever your bank account, You know. [00:07:34][6.2]

David Blackmon: [00:07:35] Any transaction over $600, they’re going to they’re going to have reported directly to the IRS. [00:07:40][5.7]

David Blackmon: [00:07:41] Which is. [00:07:41][0.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:07:41] I saw the name this morning that cracked me up. Ron Paul is going to Venmo Zelinsky 601 cents so that he can get an audit on all of the money that went to Zelensky. Well, that’s a Crude truth. [00:08:03][22.1]

Ray Travino: [00:08:04] That that is true. And David, you’re also right. That is the big question in the speech here is how much money is too much? Too much money? Look, at the end of the day, I mean, I agree with some of the famous people that are out there like that are billionaires like Mark Cuban or even even the new guy in Twitter, Elon Musk. [00:08:27][22.8]

Ray Travino: [00:08:28] But they created their own companies and did things to where they earned billions of dollars by their ingenuity, their creativity and their teams. Of course, like, I don’t want to do this, but I’m not going to sit here and cry over the fact that they made too much money when they started that. So it’s like, that’s why I don’t like the windfall profits tax. Like I worked hard and there are benefits to those. There are rewards, those benefits of working hard. So to sit there and once again try to grab all this extra cash, I’m just totally against all day, every day. [00:09:06][38.1]

David Blackmon: [00:09:07] I guess I would take it seriously if I saw Governor Newsom and all these other Democrats advocating a windfall profit tax on oil if they were advocating for a windfall profit tax on Pfizer and Moderna. Who are the two most profitable, corrupt corporations in American society the last couple of years,. [00:09:25][18.2]

David Blackman: [00:09:26] Because the government has subsidized their efforts to force everyone to to take these vaccines. You know, I mean, so I mean, but what if a windfall profit tax is fair on oil producers who are supplying the product that runs our entire economy? Then why isn’t it fair for Pfizer and Moderna? I mean, this doesn’t make any sense. [00:09:52][26.1]

Ray Travino: [00:09:54] I do. Absolutely. That’s great right there, David. [00:09:57][3.5]

David Blackmon: [00:09:59] I’m getting my phone out so I can do a Zella to. Oh, what’s that guy’s name? Oh, he’s the little short guy that’s been not Zelinski but 4G. I’m going to send him a video right now and I’m going to send him a bang for $601 so I can get an audit on his books. [00:10:20][21.5]

David Blackmon: [00:10:21] Yeah. Yeah. [00:10:22][0.8]

David Blackmon: [00:10:23] He’s worth 5 million. He increased 5 million this year. [00:10:26][2.8]

David Blackmon: [00:10:26] Hey, Nancy Pelosi’s worth 185 million after after a career in which she never made more than $180,000 in a year. So that’s that’s pretty good work if you can get it that. [00:10:40][13.4]

Ray Travino: [00:10:40] That’s a good investment officer right there from Fidelity or one of those in power. [00:10:48][8.3]

David Blackmon: [00:10:49] Pelosi, a new investor in a hammer company. [00:10:51][2.0]

Ray Travino: [00:10:55] Oh, thank you. I was trying to figure out a way to tie something in there, but I figured that. [00:10:59][3.9]

David Blackmon: [00:10:59] Was. [00:10:59][0.0]

David Blackmon: [00:11:01] I’m not sure if it’s a ball pin or a clawhammer. [00:11:03][1.6]

David Blackmon: [00:11:04] I think it was a claw, maybe a sledge. Well, okay. [00:11:11][6.8]

Ray Travino: [00:11:12] But, you know, I just wanted to mention it, too, to bring it to everybody’s attention, to pay you to pay attention to the way things are worded and what it really means behind those words. Because as California goes, a lot of other states in our great nation will also go and people will be like, oh, it’s a civil penalty. Well, that’s okay. Well, it’s really not a civil penalty. It’s really they’re doing a windfall profit tax, taking money out of the rich to give, you know, doing a Robin Hood thing. But we all know it’s really not going to the people. [00:11:46][34.3]

David Blackmon: [00:11:47] Are are to a minority that you’re brilliant, they’re dead. And you didn’t even sound like R2D2 with all the squeaking and everything. But what you really have there is not only those 17 states that will follow along, you nailed it, but it’s also that carbon footprint that they’re about to implement out there for you to have as a carbon footprint. And then they’re going to say you can only have a Coke for, you know, Coke today or you get a Coke depending on your carbon footprint. So, Artie, you’re brilliant. You did good. [00:12:27][39.9]

David Blackmon: [00:12:28] We’re all going to be like Pavlov’s dog brewery, just responding to two incentives, you know, just. [00:12:38][9.7]

Ray Travino: [00:12:38] Responding to them. So that that’s it right there. I mean, you know, if you want somebody to do that, get congressmen, you know, if you want somebody just, you know, and that’s what they’re looking for here, they want us. [00:12:47][9.1]

Ray Travino: [00:12:47] You know, I love how people get off on a tangent if nobody’s ever read the book 1984 by George Orwell. They really need to read it because the Democrats are quoting it left and right, right now trying to use it. This is an Orwellian society that, you know, and when you actually read the book and you have people that are truly, you know, that read it, they understand. Hopefully it’s like, wait a minute, this is the side that’s trying to do what’s done in this book. And it’s called 1984, and it was written in, I believe, the 1930. [00:13:25][37.7]

David Blackmon: [00:13:27] And 30 or 40 years ago. [00:13:29][2.5]

Ray Travino: [00:13:30] Yeah, right. [00:13:30][0.2]

David Blackmon: [00:13:31] Just read that book and thought it was a user’s manual. [00:13:33][2.2]

Ray Travino: [00:13:34] Yeah, yeah, yeah, they probably did. They probably did. But anyway, so. What else we got? Come around the corner. I know. I know. [00:13:46][11.5]

David Blackmon: [00:13:46] Everybody talked. [00:13:46][0.4]

Ray Travino: [00:13:47] We could talk about anything else today. [00:13:49][1.5]

David Blackmon: [00:13:49] ERCOT, ERCOT. Yes. Let’s talk about ERCOT and the recent big freeze that wasn’t quite as bad as last year. [00:13:57][7.4]

Ray Travino: [00:13:57] Thank goodness for that. It was pretty cold, though. I know here in north Texas, we spent, what, 24 or 36 hours below freezing? [00:14:05][7.3]

David Blackmon: [00:14:05] Yeah. [00:14:05][0.0]

Ray Travino: [00:14:06] Yeah, yeah. Well, fortunately, everything seemed to be okay for the most part. I think nothing too crazy. [00:14:12][6.1]

David Blackmon: [00:14:13] I was filming a podcast the other day and the power, my lights looked like I finally had to turn them. [00:14:20][7.1]

David Blackmon: [00:14:20] Off. [00:14:20][0.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:14:21] Because they were going on. I mean, it was actually very humorous. And my battery I got ups is all down here because of my ten screens and 18 PC’s. And I mean, my ups were going off like you wouldn’t believe. Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep I sounded like R2D2. I mean, it was awful. [00:14:43][21.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:14:44] But ERCOT just, you know, God bless them, it’s the linemen and the oil guys out there. I believe that we had 70% natural gas powering us yesterday or day before. And I drove to Abilene yesterday and guys, one in. Five blades of the wind farms were barely turning and they may have been accidental or something, but here’s a see. If you get outside Abilene of a wind farm, nothing was coming out of it. [00:15:23][39.0]

David Blackman: [00:15:23] Yeah, you know what? One thing people don’t really most people don’t understand about the big wind towers is that they have brakes on them. When the wind is blowing too hard. You know, they don’t just fail when the wind’s not blowing. If the wind’s blowing too hard, they stop too. And so they don’t generate anything. [00:15:41][17.8]

David Blackman: [00:15:42] And that happened to us overnight Friday when it when the temperatures were at their lowest point, 92% of the power in Texas was being generated by natural gas, coal or solar or nuclear. Nuclear. Well, overnight, zero by solar because the sun wasn’t shining and just 6% by wind because the wind was blowing too hard in most of West Texas. Right. And and so, you know, is as always, when the weather is at its worst, renewables fell the worst and that that happened again this time. But luckily we’d made made enough improvements to the system of Texas. [00:16:26][43.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:16:26] Let me ask you guys this. Have you guys read the Omnibus bill for next year? [00:16:31][5.2]

David Blackman: [00:16:33] I don’t have time any year to read that. [00:16:35][2.2]

Ray Travino: [00:16:35] Yeah, I don’t think this is no time of the year to read all. [00:16:37][1.8]

David Blackman: [00:16:37] 4000 page Bill. [00:16:39][1.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:16:39] I went through it and I found about 15 things in there that are frightening. And one of the most frightening things in there would add a 1.7 trillion. There’s 16 million. That’s it. Okay. 116 million set aside for the grid. What’s the number one problem? Why we can’t run renewables. I think we ought to run renewables. Great. We need when we need solar, we need storage. [00:17:08][28.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:17:09] The grid is the number one reason we can’t, but yet we’re going to spend 1.7 trillion. We’re giving a bazillion dollars out to, I think, 15 different other countries. We’re paying for sexual orientation classes in other areas. And then there is another 22 million that may possibly be earmarked, but it’s at the discretion of the DOE,. [00:17:37][27.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:17:38] Where I mean, Department of Energy, where that thing goes. So it’s probably ended up in some politicians back pocket rather than the grid. Even at that, we need $900 billion, whatever the number is, to repair our grid so we can use renewables. Let’s all agree. I mean, let’s all get together and go. That’s dumbest thing I’ve ever seen, even by my standards. [00:18:04][26.2]

David Blackman: [00:18:06] Yeah, Grid resilience and security is is a big problem, no doubt about it. And we Congress has been completely negligent on that for for many years now. [00:18:15][9.0]

Ray Travino: [00:18:16] Let me ask you this. You know that 16 million, is it for the grid here in Texas or is that for like the national grid? [00:18:23][7.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:18:25] I mean, the net? It’s a great question. It’d be the national Grid, because ERCOT is there are three grid main grid sections. There’s one in the east, one in the west, and then they’re broken up into what’s called the balancing authority areas. And so each balancing authority is broken up into, you know, several of them that are smaller. And ERCOT is the one that is the most independent in its own. So I’m guaranteeing you they ain’t going to get a dime out of that. [00:18:57][32.1]

Ray Travino: [00:18:58] Well, you know, I know here in Texas, 60 million would not even put a dent in re redoing the grid, let alone 60 million for the United States. So that right there, I mean, don’t get me wrong. $60 million is a lot of money. Look, before I say anything else, so that is 7 trillion. That doesn’t even get a freaking set of hammers as far as when the government’s concerned. [00:19:23][24.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:19:25] They said hammers. [00:19:25][0.5]

Ray Travino: [00:19:26] You know, And I mean, come on. The best line in Independence Day was you don’t really think that toilet seats cost $25,000 in a hammer, cost 50,000, Do you know? So but that’s what our money is going towards. [00:19:39][12.8]

Ray Travino: [00:19:40] And so that’s not helping out. That’s really almost adding salt to a wound, if there was one. And do you also set it correctly that we don’t have the storage? Well, that was something I had asked David about. And I got to give Mr. Blackmon there the credit for it,. [00:19:58][18.7]

Ray Travino: [00:19:59] Because I asked him this question, which was okay, during ERCOT, there was no solar being used. And so that means during the summer, what happens to all that solar that we’re getting? Because who should? It’s Texas, for goodness sake. [00:20:16][17.7]

Ray Travino: [00:20:16] Let’s talk about the great state of Texas. It gets hot. People have solar panels. There’s energy created. But David pointed out, there is no way to store that energy, which then in cases like this, we can guess what, we have no way to use any of it because it just disappears or goes somewhere else. Is that correct, David? [00:20:37][20.6]

David Blackman: [00:20:38] Well, yeah. I mean, so so one thing about this storm that we had this time, it wasn’t really a storm. It was a blue norther. There was no precipitation with virtually none. And so the skies were pretty clear for most of the day on Thursday. [00:20:51][12.5]

David Blackman: [00:20:52] And if you had adequate battery backup storage, you could have stored a lot of the the power that was generated by solar for it to generate overnight from the batteries. But we don’t have that. We don’t have it. [00:21:05][12.8]

David Blackman: [00:21:05] And the wind and solar industries refused to take any responsibility for us not having it saying, well it’s those battery people’s fault. And so, you know, we just haven’t developed the technology adequately to provide the scaled back up to to help solar and wind actually provide electricity into the grid when weather conditions aren’t right for them. And supposedly that’ll come eventually. But, you know, we’ve been promised that for 20 years now and it just barely exists. [00:21:40][34.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:21:41] David, you interviewed Tom Jensen with Fried Battery, and they’re one of the things I loved in that interview is that dry battery has got renewable battery technology. [00:21:53][11.3]

David Blackman: [00:21:54] In a state, solid state lithium ion battery cell. [00:21:57][2.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:21:58] And they can be reused. I’m all in for fry, you know, in the storage area. I think it’s great. [00:22:06][8.3]

David Blackman: [00:22:09] But our problem is still that we have we have built out so much capacity that that the grid managers that it’s on backup capacity. Right. It’s just purely dependent on the weather. And so the grid managers at ERCOT are left with these computer models that tell them what you can expect to get eight megawatts from wind on Thursday. [00:22:33][24.1]

David Blackman: [00:22:34] But if the wind stops blowing for whatever reason out west Texas, and you only get two, then Ercot’s left short and you you you have a problem with adequate generating capacity on the grid. And that’s what happened to us in winter storm Uri. In 2021, wind and solar dropped completely off the grid when that storm blew through. [00:22:57][22.7]

David Blackman: [00:22:58] Yeah, and ERCOT was expecting 6 to 8 megawatts being up and running and so boom, all of a sudden they’re they’re stopped short. And you have this cascading issue of then ERCOT going in a rolling blackout mode, cutting off power to all these natural gas facilities in West Texas, and they’re freezing up and then the power plants freeze up because they’re not getting a natural gas. And it was just this domino effect, perfect storm. It was a perfect storm. It really was the perfect storm. And luckily, this one that we had this past weekend wasn’t quite perfect, thank goodness. [00:23:33][35.9]

Ray Travino: [00:23:34] Good. Well, as the late great Saturday Night Live character, Roseanne and Roseanne and Dana would say one thing, it’s something else, as always, of of. [00:23:45][11.1]

David Blackman: [00:23:46] What her father, Stan Roseannadanna, used to always say. Yeah. [00:23:49][3.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:23:53] She was the classic. [00:23:53][0.4]

Ray Travino: [00:23:54] But no, again, I guess coming back to it is. Again I have for any form of energy. We just need it to be reliable, inexpensive and balanced. And once again, during this cold front, this big cold. It wasn’t like you said, it wasn’t heating goodness. There was no precipitation here. [00:24:16][21.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:24:17] Was that the invasion from Canada? Did you say it was an invasion? Do we need a bigger border wall so that we don’t have that? [00:24:24][7.6]

Ray Travino: [00:24:25] We do need to go ahead and spend money on that. But, you know. But you’re absolutely right. Look, it’s just that, once again, natural gas was the big thing that had our back that washed out force during this big cold front we just had over the weekend. [00:24:40][14.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:24:45] You know? Yes. [00:24:46][0.5]

Ray Travino: [00:24:47] That’s it. That’s all I wanted to say. Why did you say? [00:24:49][2.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:24:50] We were waiting on something brilliant. [00:24:51][1.0]

Ray Travino: [00:24:52] Did you say. [00:24:53][0.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:24:54] Who. [00:24:54][0.0]

Ray Travino: [00:24:55] You shave? [00:24:55][0.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:24:56] Me? Oh, yeah. It’s no sweat. [00:24:58][1.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:24:58] Yeah. Oh, that’s hair. Oh, yeah. Yeah. [00:25:01][3.2]

David Blackmon: [00:25:02] But I just found out I don’t have to share. [00:25:04][1.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:25:05] Oh, yeah, but do you get your back shaved, RT? [00:25:07][2.7]

Ray Travino: [00:25:08] I got it done. Yes, I got it done in time for New Year’s. [00:25:10][2.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:25:11] Yeah. It’s not a Brazilian, it’s a Texan. But I had one of the things I want to ask you on. On, on California. Is that Newsom? And you see the lights flicker. I think. I think. [00:25:31][20.2]

David Blackman: [00:25:32] Yeah. I was wondering what was going on there. [00:25:33][1.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:25:34] Yeah, Newsome heard me, but they were saying now that even the solar panels on your roof, they are stopping people from selling it back to the grid because of the grid problems. I read that last week. [00:25:49][15.1]

David Blackman: [00:25:49] California. Yeah. [00:25:50][0.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:25:51] Yeah. So all of a sudden, you know, David, it was kind of like that might have been your article since I steal all your material. Know what? [00:25:57][6.4]

David Blackman: [00:25:58] Mine. What my. [00:25:58][0.7]

Ray Travino: [00:26:01] RT. Yeah. Yeah, that was mine. If I had to do it because I’m such an expert on California. [00:26:05][4.0]

David Blackman: [00:26:06] But I read the same thing. Yeah. [00:26:07][1.2]

Ray Travino: [00:26:08] Yeah, We had, you know, shout. [00:26:08][0.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:26:09] Out to shout out for our buddy Mike m Bro and JP Warren. Those are some cool cats. [00:26:18][9.8]

Ray Travino: [00:26:20] They are. You have to do those. What energy? In fact, energy fact checked with JP one in my gumbo and now my CO bro. He is an expert in what’s going on in California. Why? Because he lives and breathes California. And I liked what he said the other day and I actually saw somebody that was proud to be a California. [00:26:39][19.1]

Ray Travino: [00:26:39] He goes, Hey, I was born here. I live here and I want to make this place well, sure, great again. And it was nice to see because all I ever hear is about the great state of Texas. Everybody loves being here. So yeah. [00:26:50][10.9]

Ray Travino: [00:26:51] So it was nice to see somebody actually, because I never see anybody have that kind of party with Oklahoma, let alone New Mexico, you know? But no, he is a very good expert in what’s going on there in California. And so, yeah, shout out to those guys in that great new little podcast that they’re doing. Well, I say little, but it’s not probably already blown out. No, those two guys. [00:27:10][19.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:27:13] Won’t be as big as ours. [00:27:13][0.9]

David Blackman: [00:27:14] No. [00:27:14][0.0]

Ray Travino: [00:27:17] Exactly like that. [00:27:18][1.4]

David Blackman: [00:27:19] Well, we covered an awful lot today. David, what’s your thought for 2023? [00:27:25][6.4]

David Blackman: [00:27:27] Oh, my gosh. Hopefully it’ll be better than 2022. But, you know, the odds are not looking great. I just you know, I hope we all managed to survive it. The energy situation is going to get worse because Western governments want it to get worse. [00:27:45][17.9]

David Blackman: [00:27:46] Actively want it to. And they are succeeding. And the Biden administration is part of that. And we got to have elections start going the right way or we’re just all going to be living cold in the dark in the wintertime. [00:27:59][12.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:27:59] You mean the right way or. Getting to see my granddad and my great granddad on the voting rosters for Democrats again. [00:28:06][6.7]

David Blackman: [00:28:06] Yeah, man, don’t even talk to me about my relatives. [00:28:09][2.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:28:11] Yeah, they’re all voting Democrat even now hopefully. Okay. Anyway, RT, what is your thoughts on 2023. [00:28:17][6.8]

Ray Travino: [00:28:19] That we’re you know, we’re going to we’re going to knock it out 2023. I can see some very great things happening with, you know, David Blackmon and what he’s got going on with the Energy question, what he’s doing there and the guess he’s bringing on up what you and the Sandstone group are going to be doing in 2023 as a whole stu I’m really excited about that. [00:28:42][23.3]

Ray Travino: [00:28:44] Then I’m excited about my little show, The Crude Truth, and we’re we’re going to be going. But more importantly, from a financial aspect, we’re really looking forward to 2023. And you guys said it because we don’t know where oil and gas is going, that we have an administration that is anti oil. So I only see oil going up and we will probably average $100 in 2023. So we’ve got a very large commitment I country operating to drill ten wells and that’ll be the most that we’ve ever drilled in a year. [00:29:15][31.2]

Ray Travino: [00:29:16] And again, we’re small family company, but we’re very excited about that. We’re going to we’re going to push into that in 2023, not necessarily putting all our chips in on the table, so to speak, but we’re going to be very I think the proper word is bullish, is that correct? On oil? And we want to produce as much as we can for about the next 18 months because, God willing, we will see some changes in this administration and the prices will probably go back down to $65, $75. But until then, you know, as my father always says, earn as much as you can while you can. [00:29:53][36.5]

David Blackman: [00:29:54] I like that. Our team. What’s the best way to get a hold of you? [00:29:57][2.8]

Ray Travino: [00:29:58] Oh, well, any any way, you know, always at thecrudetruth.com or if there ever any oil and gas questions, you can also hit me up at PC operating dot com. And that’s for a pacos country operating who would have thought that in 2020 PC operating dot com would still be available but hey it was so. [00:30:19][21.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:30:20] Nice and David what’s the they can follow you on Forbes they can follow you at your DBEnergy.com I believe is your website. Yeah. And YouTube. [00:30:32][11.7]

David Blackman: [00:30:32] And yeah. [00:30:33][0.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:30:34] And then also on your LinkedIn and again that my compadres you can find all of our my news stories that I could care less about. I mean that I’m trying to have fun with on Energy news beat.com send in your questions. And I’m really happy with the growth increase on all of our podcast. So thanks guys, for stopping by. [00:30:57][23.7]

David Blackman: [00:30:59] Thank you. [00:30:59][0.0]



David Blackmon, RT Trevino, Stu Turley

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